Title: Bidding on Love: When love complicates a fling
Author: Joanne Dannon
Publisher:Â Clarendon 3 Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Bidding on Love" by Joanne Dannon
My Thoughts....
"Bidding on Love" was a sweet cute read that will keep your attention all the way till the end. I liked the way the story focused on Lily Taylor who after her parents had died and she had raised her brother was not looking forward to having some fun of her own.Lily was a jazz single and wanted to pursue a musical career. In what way will meeting Diego again after a one night fling be something that will catch her interest? With Diego trying to heal his old wounds from a horrible relationship will he be willing to want to finally want to settle down and become a family man? I loved both of these main characters because they both seemed so very real. It was a very interesting well written read seeing how this all came out and they both found their HEA.