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review 2016-06-15 15:43
Tylko dla najtwardszych, czyli o "Krwi Helsinek" J. Thompsona
Krew Helsinek - James Thompson

Pierwsza powieść Jamesa Thompsona o fińskim policjancie Kari Vaara była mniej więcej typowa, klasyczna, z dość realistyczną zbrodnią i bohaterami, którzy faktycznie mogą istnieć, byli rzeczywiści. Jednak potem autor zaczął odjeżdżać w stronę totalnej fikcji, w ciągu chwili robiąc ze zwykłego policjanta postać, o rolę której spokojnie starać mógłby się Stallone, Schwarzenegger czy inni gwiazdor kina akcji lat 80. Biel Helsinek to była rzecz pisana jakby na zamówienie, którego celem było zrobienie z realizmu pośmiewiska, a tom czwarty - Krew Helsinek - to dowód, że owo zamówienie przyniosło efekt i autor dostał kolejne.


Nie dość, że stanowisko bohatera, jako policjanta nawet nad ministrem sprawiedliwości, jest kompletnie wyssane z palca, to jeszcze prymitywizm postaci, brak wyobraźni plus brak umiaru u autora powodują, że powieść ta to stek bzdur. Mamy tu zagrania nawet nie z amerykańskiego filmu, ale amerykańskiego słabego serialu sensacyjnego: masę dwudziestolatków już posiadających po minimum dwa fakultety, samych twardzieli którym na życiu własnym nie zależy, którym kobiety same wchodzą do łóżek i jeszcze płaczą, że bohater jednak po ciężkiej wewnętrznej walce postanawia pozostać wiernym żonie… Jakaż to postać, która przeżywa te wewnętrzne cierpienie, zdając sobie sprawę z bólu, jaki sprawił tym postępowaniem bliskiej współpracowniczce, ten dramat, ach! Złamany nos nastawia się na trzy razy przy pomocy ołówka (ewentualnie długopisu, ale to w ostateczności), a o życiu i śmierci decyduje się zakąszając litry wypijanej wódki.


Stek bzdur. I bawiłem się doskonale, westchnienia politowania jednocześnie były westchnieniami może nie zachwytu, ale uznania, docenienia pisarza, który widać świetnie się bawi. Czasem się tak mówi, że coś jest tak złe, że aż dobre. No właśnie Krew Helsinek jest taka; ktoś, kto przepada za kinem akcji z lat 80. raczej nie będzie powieścią zawiedziony, bzdury czasem potrafią bawić, i przy tym być bardzo dobrym relaksem.

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review 2011-11-03 00:00
Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #2)
Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #... Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #2) - James Thompson WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! This is book number 2 in the Inspectar Kari Vaara series and it was better than the first.

James Thompson writes great stories. He lets you get to know all the characters of the story and keeps them real. Like the first book Inspector Vaara is trying to solve a grisley murder. While he is doing that he is having issues at home. I don't want to say too much.

There are a lot of twists and turns and a lot of players in this story that will keep you on your toes. While I was disappointed in the ending, I will definitely be reading the next book in the series when it comes out in 2012.

I highly recommend this author if you are into police drama.
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review 2011-09-09 00:00
Snow Angels (Inspector Kari Vaara, #1)
Snow Angels (Inspector Kari Vaara, #1) -... Snow Angels (Inspector Kari Vaara, #1) - James Thompson Snow Angels is the first of a series of books that I will definitely be sticking with. It is the story of a Finnish Police Inspector, Kari Vaara, who solves the myteries that happen in his town. Well, that is what happened in the first book, anyway.

Inspector Vaara solves the murder of Sufia Elmi, an actress/model from Somolia. The murder was a bit gruesome and some of the details may turn some folks off, but I did not find it offensive. The author, James Thompson weaves you through this story and the town that it is set in with great ease. I liked the character development, as well as the characters and felt like I am getting to know them all very well in preparation for the upcoming books. I have already purchased book #2, [b:Lucifer's Tears|8854839|Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #2)|James Thompson|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Mk%2BPHN3VL._SL75_.jpg|13729960] and will be getting to that soon. (I need to thaw out from the cold, first)

I don't know how long the series can continue if this same number of murders continues in each book. I loved the part of the book where Inspector Vaara's wife, Kate recaps the case. She goes through and names all the players and tries to recreate a timeline etc...I found it to be very helpful and there was some humor added in.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in murder/mystery. My only minor critism of this book was that there seemed to be a lot of murders/death in this small town.
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review 2011-07-21 00:00
Kar Melekleri (Inspector Kari Vaara, #1)... Kar Melekleri (Inspector Kari Vaara, #1) - James Thompson İlginç bir roman. Birkaç yıl önce içimde oluşan Finlandiya sevgisi ve Fince öğrenme isteğimi kaybettim sanırım. Fince kesinlikle çok garip ve zor bir dilmiş, Finlandiya ise yaşanacak gibi değilmiş. Amerikalı yazar; Finlilerin kişiliklerini, duygularını, yaşam biçimlerini çok iyi aktarmış. Cinayet ise okuduklarımın içinde en kanlılarından. Kitabın kapağı kurbanın son halini birebir yansıtıyor hatta. Kari Vaara teorilerinin peşinden giderken sonlara doğru işi artık bitirmeye karar veriyor, ilk cinayetin şüphelilerini tahmin etse de ikinci cinayetin failini bir sürprizle öğreniyor ve bunların hepsi son birkaç sayfada oluyor. Sanki bazı şeyler havada kalmış gibi bir his veriyor ama neticede güzel bir kitap. Ayrıca kitap tamamen şimdiki zaman ağzıyla anlatılıyor, bu bana bir hayli garip geldi, sanırım daha önce böyle bir kitap okumadığım için. Yine de yazarın ilk romanı olması bakımından başarılı sayılabilir.
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review 2011-04-01 00:00
Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #... Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #2) - James Thompson Thompson strikes again...I don't know what occurs in this man's mind when he is writing but he can write some of the goriest and breath-taking(not in a good way) murder scenes that I have seen in any author...he has a knack though for wrapping those murders up in a constantly twisting storyline...God, I love this author!!!
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