I must say that this was one of my favourite covers, it looks really awesome. Angel, bullet holes, her (or someone's) house tilted, and no pants(?). It just perfectly fits the book.
This book was awesome, it didn't have much action (only a few bits here and there), but a lot of stuff is revealed, answers are given, and ok we also got some new questions.
I really didn't like Philip in the beginning and also at the end of book 2, but luckily that changes and at the end, I was crying a bit. Poor Philip. No one deserves to go through so much crap.
I also loved the whole movie/zombie movie thing and how everything turned out to be related to the movie and all.
Overall, another wonderful, amazing book! I will be sure to buy all 3 of them for my collection, and I am really hoping there will be more of Angel, more of the zombies and more of everything! Please a book 4 or 5 or 6!