I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I've seen so many people gush over Alex and Henry for months and months now, and I totally get the hype. One thing I have yet to see gushed about though that spoke to my little news geek heart was all the political goodness in there too! I can't think of a better time in our current political atmosphere to have a book like this come out. It really ignites that hope you have inside, with it being so close and also so far away from what we live now, that if Alex and Henry and all the inhabitants of their little world can get there maybe we can as well, before too long.
This story managed to be painfully beautifully real and also somehow still kind of magical at the same time. I read it all in two sittings and if I'm being honest the only reason it was two was because I had responsibilities I couldn't shirk. I really look forward to seeing what this author comes out with next!