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text 2020-07-03 16:48
Das Zeiträtsel: Roman (Reise durch die Zeit, Band 1) - Wolf Harranth,Madeleine L'Engle


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review 2020-05-13 20:48
Many Waters, Time Quintet #4 by Madeleine L'Engle
Many Waters (Time, Book 4) - Madeleine L'Engle

This series keeps going in weird directions, and I kinda dig it. I don't know how kids today would handle this, but adult me was taken in.


'Many Waters' is set some years before 'Swiftly Tilting Planet', likely the winter after 'A Wind in the Door'. The twins, Sandy and Dennys, are returning from an afternoon on the ice to an empty house. Their father is away on business and their mother has taken Meg and Charles Wallace to town for a doctor's appointment. Being teenagers, they're hungry and set about making a snack. The problem is they can't find the cocoa, and so head into their parent's lab to raid the stash there. They don't notice the "experiment in progress" sign on the door and fiddle with a computer. 


The boys are transported to a desert, luckily there's an oasis in sight, but the journey is hard for them and they wouldn't have made it except a local aids them with some help from a mammoth and unicorns.


Yes. Things are getting weird. This is good. 


Of course, certain editions of this give away the other shoe before it drops either on the cover or in the back-cover text: the boys are rescued by none-other than Japeth, one of Noah's sons. Yes. That Noah.


The book is about the twin's recovery from their ordeal in the desert, their adaptation to the unexplainable universe, and their first adult brush with love and loss. The conflict between the Nephilim and their former kin the Seraphim make up a large part of the plot as well. 


This made me remember my early Sunday school lessons about the flood and other early heavenly destructions. The flaw that the destroyed somehow deserve their fate still stands out. L'Engle's only real failure in this book is her attempt to soften the tragedy of the flood with certain plot devices I won't go into. All in all an interesting book.


Time Quintet


Next: 'An Acceptable Time'


Previous: 'A Swiftly Tilting Planet'

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review 2020-04-12 14:40
The Moment of Tenderness
The Moment of Tenderness - Madeleine L'Engle

Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review. 


I swear I feel like I am about to be struck by lightning because I did not like this collection of short stories by Madeline L'Engle. I think the problem is that I kept comparing these stories to "A Wrinkle in Time" series and it did not read like L'Engle. Her books made me think of God, persevering and having hope. These stories were just so depressing one after another. I usually would rate them separately, but instead this time, I am just going to discuss the themes of the stories. 


There are 18 stories all together and readers find out these were stories that L'Engle wrote prior to "A Wrinkle in Time." These stories are inspired by her childhood which to me reads as very depressing and lonely. Some of these stories have never been published before, and honestly I wish that publishers would think that through before publishing works of an author that is known for a different type of writing and genre. I am flashing back to reading Harper Lee's sequel to "To Kill a Mockingbird" and shuddering all over again.


I think that a third of the collection focused on stories of a young girl who is unhappy. Either her mother is ill, dead, or seems to be suffering from alcoholism. The young girl is either trying to please her father, get her father to pay attention to her, or is begging her father to send for her. The girl is either at boarding school or another type of school or camp and is lonely and friendless. An older woman usually comes along to try to help the girl and she rejects the help. The story ends with you feeling depressed about what you just read. The stories always seem to end on a bleak note.

Then the second third is following a young adult woman who is focused on a career in acting or the theater. I found out after finishing this, this was a career that L'Engle was interested in. Those stories at times seem to be a bit more hopeful, but one of them ended on a menacing note. I am thinking of the story where the young girl is visited by her brother and alludes that the school she was sent to seems to be a place where women learn "wiles" with high-paying men.


Then we have the final third which follows a man who was disappointed in love. I don' know. The last story in the collection was such a weird tonal change that I think I got whiplash. 


I would say that all of the stories after the first third had a really bad flow problem. The stories started to feel endless. None of them were holding my attention. I just wanted to be finished as soon as possible.

The last story as I already said is focused on faith and science and seems to have more fantasy elements. This story really should not have been included when you look at the other stories in the collection. I assume the publisher wanted to show L'Engle's writing style over the years, but honestly the first 2/3 of the collection were just very autobiographical. Readers may not know but L'Engle was considered dumb and clumsy by her teachers, she retreated into her books. She was sent away constantly to boarding school while growing up and her father died when she was young. She went to Smith college and started acting and met her husband (also an actor in a play). L'Engle planned on giving up writing when she turned 40 since her stories until that point had been rejected. She wrote a "Wrinkle in Time" and the rest is history. 


I think I rather would have read a biography of L'Engle than her older stories never published before. Her life was very interesting. 

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text 2020-04-12 14:13
Reading progress update: I've read 100%.
The Moment of Tenderness - Madeleine L'Engle

The entire collection was pretty depressing. A common theme was a young girl, teen, or young adult whose parents had abandoned them at summer camp, boarding school, or a finishing school. The moms were usually dead or sick. The father's were absent. 

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text 2020-04-10 22:48
#FridayReads--April 10, 2020
Lady in the Lake - Laura Lippman
The Night Country - Melissa Albert
The Moment of Tenderness - Madeleine L'Engle

I fell off book reading this week. I was dealing with at least 3 meetings a day (1 hour plus in some cases) and having to do write-ups, follow-ups, and then reviewing my team's work. I had to sit in on 7 meetings and I purposely took on writing up 4 of them up since my team was complaining about the work they were doing. That's not counting me having to review 2 out of the 3 and completing rewriting them because they were that bad. I also take notes during all meetings and send my team my notes. One team member just sent me back the original notes I sent him so I can just posit he did not take notes. I also had to review some analysis that some of them have done....and I am just ready to not talk to anyone for the rest of the weekend. I am drinking champagne right now and regret nothing.


The Vampire Diaries Champagne GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


Here are my #FridayReads.


Lady in the Lake. I started it and am very intrigued. That said, I fell asleep reading it last night and woke up to my cat leaving me two furballs in my bed....


The Night Country. I haven't started yet. I heard mixed things about this one. I was meh on the first one so hope it is better than the first book in the series.


The Moment of Tenderness. Should be done today. I have been reading this off and on all week. The short stories are sad in tone. 


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