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url 2016-09-14 12:14
Man booker prize short list
The Sellout by Paul Beatty (3-Mar-2015) Hardcover - Paul Beatty
Hot Milk - Deborah Levy
His Bloody Project - Graeme Macrae Burnet
Eileen: A Novel by Ottessa Moshfegh (2015-08-18) - Ottessa Moshfegh
All That Man Is: A Novel - David Szalay
Do Not Say We Have Nothing - Madeleine Thien

Read them. Rthe list is out.

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review 2016-07-01 18:25
Company Town - Madeline Ashby

I liked a LOT about this one–the world, the voice, the characters. There’s a lot to think about in terms of the implications and themes. I especially liked the fact that although it’s a brutal world, and horrifying things happen, Hwa herself is definitely a competent person who’s trying her best. It’s not necessarily perfect in all regards–there were a couple of moments that seemed a little tone-deaf–but overall this was a well-done futuristic story that’s gritty without being grim.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/june-2016-round-up
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review 2015-11-02 23:21
The Sleeping Partner
The Sleeping Partner - Madeleine E. Robins

The third (and last?) in the Sarah Temperance series. I really liked all three of these, although perhaps the first one a bit more than the second two. I was hoping for a slightly stronger resolution here, but the story that we got is great.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2015/11/02/october-2015-round-up
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review 2015-09-01 14:26
Petty Treason
Petty Treason - Madeleine E. Robins

Second Sarah Tolerance book. I don’t think the mystery aspect is quite as strong with this one, but I loved reading about Sarah just as much. I also appreciate that Robins doesn’t give her instant or miraculous detecting abilities; it’s clear how much time and effort Sarah puts into her work.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/august-2015-round-up-2
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review 2015-09-01 14:23
Point of Honour
Point of Honour - Madeleine E. Robins

Alternate history Regency mystery. I read this a few years ago and didn’t quite enjoy it. But this time I loved it; loved Sarah and her integrity, her desire to do the right thing and also her mistakes and blind spots. Robins also writes about the London underworld without seeming gratuitous or voyeuristic, which is all too rare.

Source: bysinginglight.wordpress.com/2015/09/01/august-2015-round-up-2
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