This is a serious book! Not for the faint-hearted, let me tell you. And I loved it. :)
We're back with Matty and Grant who still have so many things to iron out between them. It's not an easy row to hoe by any means, love notwithstanding. Are they to be allowed to do this by themselves?
Oh hell no.
If it's not interference and at times outright disapproval from Grant's family, it's the FBI come knocking with a request for Matty to help them out with the tracking down and capture of his ex-lover, the chilling assassin, Jaeger Koning. And what's with Jaeger? Well, nothing other than that he wants his one-time submissive, Matty, back where he belongs. With Jaeger.
There's action. There's banter. There's humour. There's emotion. There's heart-stopping danger and there's moments that one is tempted to weep. Seriously!
But the main strength in this book, I think, comes from the way the author brings us into the minds of the three main characters - Grant, Matty and Jaeger - sharing their thoughts and how their minds and their.. well... their selves are guided and formed by the power exchanges of D/s relationships. I'm explaining it badly - who's surprised? - but I find the whole idea of power exchange to be sexy and heady and fascinating.
Loved it and I hope we may revisit the Mirror Universe at some point. :)