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url 2017-04-02 09:09
办理澳洲Flinders原版文凭Q/微963146376改福林德斯大学雅思托福、福林德斯大学高仿毕业证、福林德斯大学学历认证、福林德斯大学在读证明Flinders University办理澳洲Flinders原版文凭Q/微963146376改福林德斯大学雅思托福、福林德斯大学高仿毕业证、福林德斯大学学历认证、福林德斯大学在读证明Flinders University
All-Time Favorite Game Bird Recipes: From Duck to Pheasant - Editors of CPi,Creative Publishing International

-------------【详情咨询:留学认证顾问Aaron Q/微963146376】-------------
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QQ:963146376 微信:963146376(添加请注明:留学)理澳洲Flinders原版文凭Q/微963146376改福林德斯大学雅思托福、福林德斯大学高仿毕业证、福林德斯大学学历认证、福林德斯大学在读证明Flinders University
办理澳洲Flinders原版文凭Q/微963146376改福林德斯大学雅思托福、福林德斯大学高仿毕业证、福林德斯大学学历认证、福林德斯大学在读证明Flinders University
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url 2017-03-21 15:39
Literary Data Analysis
Nabokov's Favorite Word Is Mauve: And Other Experiments in Literature - Ben Blatt

Fascinating. Also, I now recognize a graduate project of mine on D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf's use of the word "pure" to be a stab at data analysis, though the goal of the project shifted to something more manageable to me.


And, coincidence, I'm currently reading Nabokov.

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url 2015-06-13 13:29
The New Yorker: Writers Choose Their Favorite Words


Last week, in a choice instance of logophile clickbait, the Guardian asked a handful of well-known writers to give a few words on their favorite words. The result was a little like asking a bunch of chefs to describe their preferred knives, or inviting a group of carpenters to talk about the merits of different saws: a joyful, voluptuous disquisition upon the specialist’s tools.


Here's a link to the original article in the Guardian:


From plitter to drabbletail: the words we love

Dialect terms such as yokeymajig or whiffle-whaffle; all-time favourites like cochineal, clot or eschew; antiquated phrases such as ‘playing the giddy ox’ … leading writers on the words they cherish.


The words:


  1. Hilary Mantel: nesh
  2. Andrew O’Hagan: clart
  3. Will Self: pipe down!
  4. Emma Healey: clot
  5. Eimear McBride: yoke
  6. Neel Mukherjee: tight slap
  7. Robert Macfarlane: apophany
  8. Taiye Selasi: chale
  9. Sarah Hall: gloaming
  10. Nick Laird: thrawn
  11. Aminatta Forna: plitter
  12. Paul Muldoon: slipe
  13. Tessa Hadley: cochineal
  14. Blake Morrison: whiffle-whaffle
  15. Paul Kingsnorth: swamm
  16. John Sutherland: widdershins
  17. Nina Stibbe: fetlock
Source: www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/writers-choose-their-favorite-words
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url 2014-12-31 13:43
What Is Your Favorite Book Of All Time?
Happy New Year!

I am looking forward to the upcoming new year, and all of the amazing books coming out in 2015, but there is something about the closing of a year that makes me reflect on past reads.  I love hearing about what books other readers loved from 2014, but there's something else I'm also curious about.


What is your favorite book of all time?

Okay, I admit.  That's a difficult question to answer.  Perhaps a better question would be, "What book or series do you reread the most often?"  I know I have old faithfuls that I've read over...and over...and over...  Well, you get the idea.  There are some books that I just can't get enough of.


For me, these books are like old friends.  I never tire of them, no matter how many times we meet within the pages.


Do you have a book or series that you've read more than once? 
I started going through my most well-thumbed books and was surprised to realize that the books I still read the most often are from my childhood and early teen years.  I also noticed that although I currently read mostly urban fantasy, the books I've read the most often run the gamut from Shakespeare to Gibson to Poe and Conan Doyle.  I also realized that I have over fifteen copies of Hamlet, most of them falling apart from overuse.  
You can never have too many copies of your favorite books, right?
Source: www.fromtheshadows.info/2014/12/what-is-your-favorite-book-of-all-time.html
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url 2014-09-18 14:09
Graham Joyce obituary (written by Christopher Priest)

One fantastic writer says goodbye to another.

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