The Magic Home is a story for those who believe in magic, to turn fear into bravery and let fantasies run wild! This is a tale of a little boy that lives with his family, plays happily in the courtyard with his brother, sister, a brown dog and a fluffy white rabbit, and cannot wait to start school. Suddenly he has to leave for an unpredictable journey...
"The Magic Home is a beautifully illustrated book designed for children to help educate them on feelings of loss, loneliness and displacement. A good book for adults and children, and shows the power of taking control of thoughts and feelings and generating a more positive outlook from play therapy." Carly Louise Wilson
"A great book for children who have suffered loss and/or been displaced for any reason. Once he starts school and meets his new teacher, things get a lot better. She teaches him that he’s not alone and helps him to deal with his loss through kind words and his love of coloring. With her help, he learns to enjoy life again and realizes that he no longer has those feelings of anxiety!" reviews Bound 4 Escape
"Children sometimes have a hard time when a family splits up. This short story will make them feel better and that they can overcome their sorrow by using their minds to remember all the good times. The second part of the book explains play therapy and how to use it to help your child." Miki's Hope
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The Magic Home offers psycho-educational support for children, parents and childhood professionals who are assisting children through the difficult transition of displacement. The author presents a guide for caregivers grounded in the principles of Play Therapy that allows children to be engaged in a dynamic and engaging process based on their capacities and the objectives defined by a caring adult. The book is ideal for easy reading with individuals and groups, and the suggested activities can be used between parent and child, at school, in a healthcare agency or any other place where children spend time.
"The Magic Home is an endearing and enduring story of a child's journey to deal with unimaginable feelings of sadness, loss and displacement. This touching story teaches us how to tap into the child's resilience using the healing power of play and expressive arts. The Magic Home is a must-have book for child clinicians, caregivers and child professionals to use with children displaced from their homes, regardless of the situation." -- Athena A. Drewes, PsyD, MA, RPT-S, founder and president emeritus of the New York Association for Play Therapy.
From Loving Healing Press