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review 2020-02-08 08:30
Alle Sagen in einem Buch vereint
Germanische Göttersagen - Reiner Tetzner,LIBRI


Ganz jenseits von Germanenkult und fataler Verklärung von »Nibelungentreue« und Heldentum hat der Leipziger Autor Reiner Tetzner die Götter- und Heldensagen Mittel- und Nordeuropas aus den Quellen neu erzählt. Die Göttersagen mit ihren Geschichten von Asen und Vanen, Odin, Thor, Loki und Freyja folgen dabei hauptsächlich der altnordischen Edda, die im mittelalterlichen Island aufgeschrieben wurde. Die Heldensagen der Nibelungen, Burgunden und Hunnen und jene um den Recken Dietrich von Bern fassen dagegen die großen mittelhochdeutschen Versionen dieser Erzählungen aus Nibelungenlied und Dietrichepik in eine Sprache, die heutigen jugendlichen und erwachsenen Lesern verständlich und zugänglich ist. 


Meine Meinung

Die nordische Sagenwelt kann mich einfach immer wieder für sich einnehmen.

Habe ich zuletzt ein Hörbuch zu dieser Thematik gehört, war nun wieder ein Buch dran. Und ich muss sagen, die vielen Sagen kann man beim Lesen einfach besser verinnerlichen.


Man fliegt hier nur so durch die Seiten und von einer Geschichte zur anderen.

Ja, es ist wie eine ganz tolle und interessante Geschichtsstunde.


Für mich die wohl interessantesten Geschichten waren zum Beispiel:

Der Weltenbaum

„Drei starke Wurzeln greifen weit aus und halten Yggdrasil aufrecht.

Die erste Wurzel reicht zu den Göttern und Menschen, die zweite zu den Riesen, die dritte nach Niflheim. Unter jeder Wurzel entspringt eine Quelle.“ (S. 17)


Loki zeugt drei Weltfeinde

Vielen sind der Fenriswolf, Jörmungandr oder auch die Midgardschlange und auch Hel ein Begriff. Aber viele wissen nicht, dass diese aus dem Samen von Loki entstammen.


Die Riesin Skadi wählt den Gott Njörd

Und hier bleibt mir nur zu sagen… wie man sich täuschen kann.


Thor fischt nach der Midgardschlange

Ein Kampf zweier Giganten, den ich unheimlich gern mit verfolgt habe.


Loki beschimpft die Götter

Der Twist zwischen Loki und den Göttern. Wisst ihr eigentlich, dass Loki nur ein angenommener Gott war? Wie und warum es sich Loki mit den Göttern verscherzt, erfahrt ihr in dieser Sage.


Balders Tod

Von diesem Tod und der Vorhersehung hat wohl schon jeder gehört.

Wisst ihr auch wer der Mörder ist?


Lokis Bestrafung

Loki, die Giftschlange und Sigyn, die ihrem Mann Hilfe leistet.


Der Untergang der Götter

„Die Weltenesche erzittert, ihr erster Ast bricht.“ (S. 178)


„Dann folgen drei harte lange Winter ohne einen Sommer aufeinander.

Stürme treiben aus allen Richtungen Schnee, begraben das letzte Büschel Gras. Die Menschen befeinden sich erbarmungsloser.“ (S. 179)


„Die Sonne ist schwarz. Die Erde sinkt langsam ins Meer.

Feuer und Rauch quellen zum Himmel.“

(S. 183)


Mein Fazit

Eine tolle Sammlung aller Sagen um die nordische Götterwelt.

Das Buch ist klein und kompakt, gibt aber alles her.

Natürlich gefällt mal eine Geschichte mehr und eine weniger, aber das ist bei Geschichtensammlungen ja meist so.

Ich habe bereits ein Auge auf das andere kleine Büchlein mit dem Titel „Germanische Heldensagen“ geworfen.

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text 2019-12-03 03:51
November Books

I read 36 books this month with an average score of 3.53. 8 were graphic novels and 19 were YA. My most-read genres were contemporary, romance, and sci-fi.


My favorite book was She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement - Jodi Kantor, Megan Twohey. The work put into breaking the Harvey Weinstein story was impressive to read about.


My least favorite book was Watch Us Rise - Renée Watson. That was one of my most-anticipated reads for 2019, so it was especially disappointing to have one of the main characters spouting off TERF rhetoric at the end of the book and give off a sense of being "not like other girls" throughout the entire thing.



5 Stars

She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement - Jodi Kantor,Megan Twohey  The Witches Are Coming - Lindy West  


4.5 Stars

Well Met - Jen DeLuca  Fruits Basket Another Vol. 1 (Fruits Basket Another #1) - Natsuki Takaya  Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo  


4 Stars

With the Fire on High - Elizabeth Acevedo  Black Canary: Ignite - Meg Cabot,Cara McGee  Wild and Crooked - Leah Thomas  Ayesha At Last - Uzma Jalaluddin  Broken Things - Lauren Oliver  Fan the Fame - Anna Priemaza  

American Panda - Gloria Chao  That's Not What I Heard - Stephanie Kate Strohm  Always Never Yours - Austin Siegemund-Broka,Emily Wibberley  How to Be an Antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi  


3.5 Stars

Swipe Right For Murder - Derek Milman  Nyxia - Scott Reintgen  Leaving Megalopolis: Surviving Megalopolis - Gail Simone,Jason Wright,J. Calafiore  Domino, Vol. 2: Soldier of Fortune - Fabian Nicieza,Gail Simone,Leonard Kirk,Michael Shelfer,Carlos Lopez,Victor Olazaba,Guru Efx,Victor Ibañez,David Baldeón,Natacha Bustos,Jay David Ramos,Ed Tadeo,Alberto Alburquerque,Juan Gedeon,Leah Williams,Dennis 'Hopeless' Hallum,Jesus Aburton,Roberto  Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Lost Stars - Claudia Gray,Phil Noto  Warrior of the Wild - Tricia Levenseller  

Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren  Nyxia Uprising - Scott Reintgen  


3 Stars

Truly Madly Royally - Debbie Rigaud I’m Not Dying With You Tonight - Gilly Segal,Kimberly Jones  Nyxia Unleashed - Scott Reintgen  Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris  Crazy House - James Patterson,Gabrielle Charbonnet  Hungry for You: Endo Yasuko Stalks the Night, Vol. 1 - Flowerchild  

Alienated - Melissa Landers  Royal Holiday - Jasmine Guillory  


2.5 Stars

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe - Dalibor Talajić,Cullen Bunn  Dreamin' Sun, Vol. 1 - Ichigo Takano  I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver  


2 Stars

Super Sons: The Foxglove Mission - Ridley Pearson,Ile Gonzalez Watch Us Rise - Renée Watson 





Books by author gender:

  • Male: 7
  • Female: 26
  • Nonbinary: 1
  • Male/Female Mix: 2


Books by format:

  • Physical: 20
  • Audio: 16


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video 2019-12-02 21:01
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review 2019-11-25 21:11
Book Review: Four Days in November - The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Four Days in November: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy - Vincent Bugliosi

Book: Four Days in November - The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy


Author: Vincent Bugliosi


Genre: Non-Fiction/U.S History/Assassinations


Summary: Four Days in November is an extraordinarily exciting, precise, and definitive narrative of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald. It is drawn from Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a monumental and historic account of the event and all the conspiracy theories it spawned, by Vincent Bugliosi, legendary prosecutor of Charles Manson and author of Helter Skelter. For general readers, the carefully documented account presented in Four Days is utterly persuasive: Oswald did it and he acted alone. -W.W. Norton, 2007.

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text 2019-11-10 12:14
Monthly Wrap Up - October 2019

Well...  I've been severely absent from the blogosphere for at least two or three weeks now, and I think I'm feeling up to blogging again.  The past couple weeks have just been a muddle of me not wanting to do anything but be lazy, read occasionally, and mindlessly watching YouTube videos about bullet journaling and cake decorating.

Sometimes you just need a hiatus, and unfortunately my hiatus came right at the end of Halloween Bingo 2019.  I think I just kind of lost steam and gave up on trying to read Halloween Bingo books altogether, which is probably the first time this has happened since the game's conception in 2016.  Even last year when I was going through on and off reading slumps, I managed to get myself a last moment burst and finished all the books I'd chosen for Halloween Bingo 2018--though that last book I'd finished after the bingo game duration.

Ah well, the reading still goes on.  I had originally planned to finish reading all of my chosen Halloween Bingo books for 2019... but after making no more progress in the past three weeks, I think I'm ready to just move on.  Of course, I'll still be pushing out a wrap up for Halloween Bingo 2019, if only just to put a proper closing on our previous reading game... maybe.  Don't be surprised if that doesn't actually happen though.  I'm still in lazy mode.

Meanwhile, I'm just going move onto the next reading game, The 24 Tasks of the Festive Season for 2019.  Of course, at the pace that I'm going, and with my sporadic absences from the blogging world this year, I have no doubt that I'll disappear randomly throughout these next two months.  But I'd like to do my part in collecting points for 24 Festive Tasks to add to the charitable donations.

I've already started with listening to the audio book version of The Lost World by Michael Crichton to fill in the book task for the first opened door, Dia de los Muertos--rereading a favorite from a now deceased author.

I'm also seeing a couple food tasks that I'd be more than happy to complete sometime these next two months.  Yay, food!  And then there's a crane folding task that I can totally do easily.



October Reads




Books Dropped/Put On Hold


None this month!  Yay!



Currently Reading




October Reading Stats


Total works read: 7

  • 6 print/e-book novels
  • 1 audio book / short story


Average rating: 3.50 Stars


  • Highest Rated:  4 books // 4.0 Stars
    • (1) Pocket Apocalypse by Seanan McGuire
    • (2) The Visitor by Amanda Stevens
    • (3) A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle
    • (4) Curtsies & Conspiracies by Gail Carriger
  • Lowest Rated:  Brazen Virtue by Nora Roberts // 2.0 Stars


Series I started reading:

  • Blackthorn & Grim by Juliet Marillier


Series I completed:

  • D.C. Detectives by Nora Roberts


Series I have made progress on:

  • InCryptids by Seanan McGuire
  • The Graveyard Queen by Amanda Stevens
  • Finishing School by Gail Carriger



Reviews & Notable Posts


Reviews Written



  • Did not meme this month.


Other Posts



Coming Up In November


Tentative TBR




Other Stuff

So it looks like I'm going to be winding down on progress for the last two months of the year.  I've already kind of lost interest in anything blogging or reading (gasp! blasphemy!), but I'm not going to force myself to do anything I'm not interested in.

But if I DO read anything, it'll be to finish some of the series I'm interested in finishing.  I'd like to put a well-rounded close to the Finishing School series by Gail Carriger and the Blackthorn & Grim series by Juliet Marillier.  These books can all easily fit into the 24 Festive Tasks games, so I'll at least be participating, too. Meanwhile, Pamela Clare will have a third Cobra Elite book coming out in December and I've yet to read her previous one, so I'm going to try to insert that one as well.

Meanwhile, I'll work on update posts for the 24 Festive Tasks as I think of them, so random updates may happen.

Otherwise, I'm not going to stick to any other really strict schedule or anything.  We'll just see how live plays out these next two months.



2019 Wrap-Ups 

Past Monthly Reading Wrap Ups (2016 / 2017 / 2018)
See Also: 2015 Reading Wrap-Up posts (scroll to bottom of page)

(updated as year progresses by month)
January | February | March | April | May | June
July | August | September | October | November | December



Source: anicheungbookabyss.blogspot.com/2019/11/monthly-wrap-up-october-2019.html
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