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text 2020-04-19 13:59
Understanding the Beauty of Stenography

What is Stenography?

It is a form of shorthand typing accomplished on a special machine. This machine facilitates creation of a verbatim transcript simultaneously, such as those used in courts. Stenographers are also professionals who work together with re-speakers for producing live subtitles for television. Typing test online

The Beauty of Stenography

A trained QWERTY typist is capable of typing at 80 words per minute or even more. However, 180 words per minute or more is what a stenographer can achieve! A fully skilled and professional stenographer trained from a reputed institution such as Balaji Typing can easily achieve the speed of around 200 words per minute (minimum). They can also produce an exact transcript at the same time. online typing Examination

How do Stenographers Work?

Stenographers require writing syllable by syllable as compared to the traditional letter by letter practice to reach high speeds, on a special stenography machine.

The machine comprises of 2 rows of 4 keys on the left-hand side. All of these are consonants are pressed by the four fingers of the left hand. You can also see 2 rows of 5 keys. These are all consonants available on the right-hand. The stenographer must press these by the four fingers of the right-hand. There are 4 keys in the middle. Below these keys, exist 4 more keys (Vowels). online typing test

Twenty One Consonants

This is interesting! In order to produce all 21 consonants, a stenographer should use a specific combination of keys. For example, steno does not have letter ‘N’. You need to press a few letters (T, P and H) all at once on the left-hand side of the machine to signify N. if you are thinking why these letters, then the answer is simple – that’s the way stenography works! Gov online typing examination

The Vowels on Machine

Vowel sounds play an important role in stenography. This is more than just the five written vowel letters in English language. The stenographer is supposed to use various combinations of the four vowel keys. These must be pressed to represent the different vowel sounds. Hence, the letter E key will represent the sound in ‘set’ – SET in steno. On the other hand, pressing letter A, O and E together will represent sound in ‘seat’ – SAOET. typing test practice free

No Punctuation Keys

Specific combinations of the letters need to be pressed in order to create a code which represents a piece of punctuation. FPLT is the preferred mode for many stenos. This is used to represent a full stop. Spacebar is not available due to the turning of paper feeding mechanism turns while keys are pressed. This forces the syllables read vertically down the special long paper. To get live subtitling, professionals hook up it to a computer for conversion of steno speak into readable English. online typing speed test

Amazing it is!

It takes around 2-5 years of full-time training to steno at 200 words per minute! That may sound a bit too much, but it is definitely worth the time invested! Hence, an investment made will be immensely helpful. Typing Institute in delhi

Source: www.balajityping.com
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text 2020-04-06 18:15
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text 2020-04-01 19:50
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text 2020-03-31 20:04
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text 2020-03-07 06:06
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Source: www.anujjindal.in/nabard-grade-a-quiz
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