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photo 2015-06-04 00:31
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review 2015-01-22 00:00
A Lovely Shade of Ouch
A Lovely Shade of Ouch - Tymber Dalton A Lovely Shade of Ouch - Tymber Dalton The Romance Review

Smart-ass, bratty subs are not my cup of tea. When Ms. Dalton announced a new book in this series is focused on Gilo, the annoying male submissive, I couldn't think of how this would be a good read. Boy, was I wrong. I loved this book. It is moving and as we learn more about Gilo, I understand better. And once again, I'm reminded that every story has two sides.

Gilo is short for John Gilomen. John's day job is a highly stressful one where he's in a position of authority. He's dependable and the one whom everyone relies upon. In his vanilla personal life, he's the same. For a strong man who supports all his friends and workers, when does someone provide the caring and support he needs? So far, John's fine because he's come through a lot in his younger years so he's used to going it alone. This carefully crafted world comes crumbling down when his only best friend from his youth suddenly dies.

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review 2014-07-07 05:34
The Ruins by Scott B. Smith
The Ruins - Scott B. Smith

bookshelves: mexico, boo-scary, tbr-busting-2012, autumn-2012, adventure, mystery-thriller, sci-fi, published-2006, fraudio, library-in-norway, ouch, gorefest

Read from September 23 to 24, 2012


hah! look at all those 1* ratings, nonetheless here I go... full tilt.

Just when I realised that this reads as an old text adventure where actions must be done in the right order and a whole lot of there is a shovel with telescopic handle leaning against the shaft wall: GET SHOVEL, along came a full inventory of all the contents of the rucksack down to the last banana.

There is a l-o-n-g heart-string-pulling down the bottom of the shaft, don't know about Pablo the Greek but I was giving up the will to live. Phrases repeated over and over, indulgent digressional tales by an author who is not the best of story-tellers to start with.

Some baad stories keep your attention for a while because mind and memories freestyle along parallel lines:

Feed Me Seymour: http://youtu.be/L7SkrYF8lCU
Day of the Triffids: http://youtu.be/aVXEA7_y344
The Hole (not the party bit but where it starts going horribly wrong: http://youtu.be/m0E75vi3ETc

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text 2014-05-03 04:33
Rescued the Cat

So somehow our cat Lola got out this morning (possibly because of me) and managed to get herself stuck in a tree.




So me being from the country i decided i could rescue her, shouldnt be a problem done it a few times over the years with me past cats.


me in a tree me in a tree me in a tree me in a tree


of course back in the day i was younger and my cats trusted me so it was much easier, this time around lola grabbed onto EVERYTHING in reach, including my arms and face.


my nose which now looks even more impressive surprisingly enough.

anyways Lola is now safe and sound at home on the floor. lol




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photo 2013-12-02 10:54

Ouch. (Some of them, anyway.)

Source: fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/1240361_700759423276384_270693561_n.jpg
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