My isbn: 9781845297213
Withdrawn from Libraries NI
Dedication: For Toly

The first words got polluted
Flowing with the dirt
Of blurbs and front pages.
My only drink is meaning from the deep brain,
What the birds and the grass and the stones drink.
Let everything flow
Up to the four elements
Up to water asnd earth and fire and air.
Seamus Heany 'The First Words'

Opening: The ancestral serpent, a creature larger than storm clouds, came down from the stars, laden with its own creative enormity.
This was sent by a Melbourne friend a few years back and have kept putting it off. That first page alone seems to dry up the brain-juice and my finallly logging it here doesn't mean I'll get to it next. She also sent me Don't Take Your Love to Town, which certainly needs more traffic from goodreaders.