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Search tags: paid-app-reviews
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url 2014-08-16 18:59
Goodreads says about paid reviews…

Goodreads issued a reminder about paid reviews in the Authors Feedback group:

"… everyone that commercial reviews -- meaning reviews you paid to receive -- are strictly prohibited on Goodreads. This includes reviews purchased on pay-for-services sites like Fiverr. Not only will we remove any commercial reviews we find, but as an author, you may be removed from the site for purchasing reviews…"

The thread could get interesting, particularly if staff join the discussion versus just issuing the note and disappearing.  Personally, I had to ask:

"...does goodreads, like the FTC, consider exchange/assigned/return author reviews "paid" because paid with return services?

If so, provided properly disclosed like free-for-honest-review books, does goodreads allow them?"


(Not sure what percentage of goodreads authors belong to or how many goodreads ornon-goodreads  authors will see; just thought I would share in case anyone missed or was interested in the thread.)

Source: www.goodreads.com/topic/show/1959419-a-note-about-commercial-reviews?page=1#comment_form
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url 2014-08-02 02:43
Another paid review company reviewing on amazon

I just hit the "give feedback" menu choice on this profile on amazon and sent an email which said:   

The profile at http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AM09IO8QXEB1B/ref=cm_aya_bb_pdp is not an individual, unpaid consumer giving his/her product opinion but rather a business entity publicly stating was a group of reviewers and "...accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation" according to the website linked on the profile itself (source: http://www.mybookaddictionandmore.com/home/disclosure-policy/ )" – while the blog sort of discloses (not in a manner acceptable to FTC which requires it be seen when review is seen) payment accepted, none of the reviews on amazon disclose that these are paid reviews.  And yet they mix in with the consumer product opinions hosted by your site.

At least the reviews are not all 5-star reviews (almost all 4-stars with a few 3 and 5 mixed in) but there sure are a lot of them.

Source: www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AM09IO8QXEB1B/ref=cm_aya_bb_pdp
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