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Search tags: political-ax-grinding
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text 2014-01-25 14:34
LOL... I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing...
The Second Revolution - Gary Hansen

I am 82% of the way through this and if that quote, taken OUT OF CONTEXT from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, is mentioned again as being the base for the reason so many in this book feel justified in making that 'second revolution', I am going scream.  


They always tend to leave out the part where it makes it quite clear that Jefferson is not calling asshats like that to arms, "Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them".  


That said, despite the ire it raises when these folks like this hijack Jefferson's (and other Founding Father's words) to suit their own purposes, I have been enjoying this novel.  It makes me laugh and I have to say, I need a good laugh :)

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review 2014-01-18 15:00
The Rabid by J.V. Roberts
The Rabid - J.V. Roberts

Synopsis: (Amazon)
The End is Here. 

As a mysterious virus begins turning people into violent, flesh starved monsters. Timmy Two-Step scrambles to save his sister from a world gone mad. Once reunited with their mother their journey for survival truly begins. A journey that will take them across a terrifying apocalyptic landscape filled with mindless Rabid, diabolical religious zealots, and militias with itchy trigger fingers, all while searching for food, shelter, and above all else, answers. 

But on the road to survival how far is too far? 

Author's Site: J.V. Roberts
Publisher: Severed Press
Purchase: Amazon
Reviewed For: I purchased this via Amazon for my Kindle.

Misanthrope's Assessment: 
My first suggestion is to Severed Press... HIRE A TEAM OF EDITORS.  My second suggestion would be to J.V. Roberts... GET A DIFFERENT PRESS.

That said... the novel... it amused me.  Not in the way the author would like, I am sure.  The characters were laughable, especially the teenage boy, an interpretive dancer, who was trying to channel John Wayne.  The mockery the author felt towards preppers was quite evident in the sad example of the boy's stepfather's brother. 

The only reason I am not asking for my money back from Amazon is the laughter this novel gave me... all at the author's expense.  That said, I certainly won't be purchasing the sequel... yup... you heard it right... there is going to be more of this crap.  I certainly won't be purchasing anymore of Roberts' work, and I will most likely be avoiding anything that Severed Press publishes.

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review 2013-12-16 20:09
Book Review - Through Many Fires by Kyle Pratt
Through Many Fires - Kyle Pratt

Synopsis (Amazon):  
Terrorists smuggle a nuclear bomb into Washington D.C. and detonate it during the State of the Union Address. Army veteran and congressional staffer Caden Westmore is in nearby Bethesda and watches as a mushroom cloud grows over the capital. The next day, as he drives away from the still burning city, he learns that another city has been destroyed and then another. America is under siege. Panic ensues and society starts to unravel. 

Published by:  Camden Cascade Publishing, ADS

Author's Site: Kyle Pratt

Purchase Link:  Through Many Fires - Amazon

Devourer's Assessment:

A little political agenda ax to grind here from the author, I think, but it was an enjoyable tale.  The only thing that I think negatively impacted the book was the odd attempt at a romance despite the protagonist's girlfriend surviving a nuclear blast.  Stretching that was the fact that the girlfriend then found herself supporting the protagonist's political opponent. 

That aside, I will be keeping track of the series in the sequels.  I give this novel three stars.

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