By Julie Garwood
Bams Says: This book I got from Bunny. It was different from the two authors I usually read, but good nonetheless! It stars Lady Alexandria and Colin. A good read!
The Emerald Swan
By Jane Feather
Bams Says: This was the first Romance novel I ever read, ever! I can hardly remember it, but now after reading what said I remember it well! Oh this was a good book, for my first! Whee!
The Notebook
By Nicholas Sparks
Bams says: This book was a brilliant little read. It was smaller then some of the other books that I read, so it was a good one-nighter for me! It was soo cute and I can't wait for it to be made into a movie!
Note from Now: It's an unfortunate habit of mine to not fully remember books after I start the next one. i have read so many romances since The Emerald Swan, I am surprised I can recall even one detail from it. What do I remember? There is a necklace and some twins they get mixed up maybe? I remember reading two twin books right around each other so maybe thats not it? Oh well, there was definitely a necklace. And a garden sex scene that confused the hell out of 12 year old me.
Castles I remember more for how interested I was in the flawed hero. When I say flawed, I mean physically. He had something really wrong with his leg and I remember massages and it not getting all fixed up at the end (maybe). I actually want to reread that once just for the memory I have of it.
Also I can't believe I read The Notebook before seeing the movie. That movie is awesome, and I remember the book just being sort of meh in comparison. Huh.I always thought it was because I read it after I saw the chemistry that is Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling.
That was the last retro review! Unless I find some written ones somewhere I dont think there was a place pre-goodreads (and outside of this) that I reviewed books. Maybe on livejournal, but I doubt it. I am glad you all enjoyed this. I really loved finding them and noting the differences between myself now and myself ten years ago. I was a lot more praise-worthy back then... which I guess gives me some sort of link to the squee reviews of the teen demographic that I despise. Oh, how time passes.
RetroReview is a short series I am doing from old reviews I found on my old Geocities page, so pre-GR circa 2004. I was in high school so forgive the lingo. Bunny and Gary are my friends code names; Bams is mine.