Crazy Rich Asians, Book 3
I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series
The Characters:
Again the cast of this book is legion, just like the last two. We do spend time with Rachel and Nick, Astrid, Michael and Colin, Charlie Wu, Kitty, Oliver and we don’t talk to her but Colette also.
The Story:
There is never any good way for me to sum up these books. Too much happens. So here’s a random list of impressions I’m left with. I’m so happy for Nick and Rachel. I’m glad Rachel told off her mother in law, the chick is too pushy. I cried at Su Yi’s funeral. It was a beautiful and emotional scene. Michael is the worst and Isabella isn’t far above him on the list. They did not have to treat Charlie and Astrid that way. However, I am glad that the situation they were put in allowed Astrid to find her freedom and lead to a happier life for herself. (view spoiler) I was somewhat shocked by Colette. I don’t remember much of her from China Rich Girlfriend but I know I don’t like her. I think Kitty’s obsession with her is beyond unhealthy and she needs help. Also when a kid can tell you in a full sentence that he is hungry breastfeeding time is over but I’m nobody’s parent so….
Overall I truly enjoyed this book. There were so many revelations. I do hope Mr Kwan writes another installment.
The Random Thoughts:
Favorite Quote ”Is it going to be like Modern Family?”
“No, more like Game of Thones Red Wedding scene.”
The Score Card:
4 Stars
May's a fantastic month for new releases! I'm truly excited for all of these reads. There are three books by favorite authors this month; The Prada Plan 5 by Ashley Antoinette, A Stranger At Fellsworth by Sarah E. Ladd and Rich Peoples Problems by Kevin Kwan. The Salt Houses, The Book of Summer and House of Names all have received lots of praise by early readers and critics. I'm hoping to enjoy them as much as others or more.
Here's the release dates;
May 2
Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
May 9
Mr. Rochester by Sarah Shoemaker
The Book of Summer by Michelle Gable
House of Names by Colm Tóibín
May 16
The Stranger at Fellsworth by Sarah E. Ladd
Lilli de Jong by Janet Benton
Before the Rain Falls by Camille Di Maio
The Prada Plan 5 by Ashley Antoinette
May 23
Rich Peoples Problems by Kevin Kwan
Happy Reading Friends!
Even though this book can be read without any prior knowledge of Perkin's earlier books, it's still tied to a series that wonderfully began with Anna and the First Kiss. Fans of the first book waited several years for this book to be released. I'm sad to say Isla and the Happily Ever After is yet again another finale in a book series that is incredibly disappointing.
Yes, I expected fluff and some teen angst but the storyline is essentially two rich kids from New York fall in love in the mere span of the week and their greatest conflict is how to make out or have sex with each other at their super pretentious boarding school without getting caught.
Seriously. That's all we get??? I honestly expected more than this shallow and juvenile romance that leans more in the direction of obsessive lust than actual love. Josh and Isla's prevalent "I love you" declarations may be sweet at first but it quickly gets old. The lack of plot and immature behavior of the characters made it very hard to finish this book.