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review 2019-11-11 09:30
Chibi Maruko-Chan is a third grade girl in Japan
ちびまる子ちゃん 2 - Momoko Sakura

The story is based on what happened to her at home and at school.


Nothing supernatural. Just her everyday mistake in life that seems so big at the time and so funny now when we looked at it. Like forgotten homework, and accidentally eaten the cake prepared for a home visit from her sister's teacher. 


it is black and white manga, but is also made into anime. 


Image result for chibi maruko-chan


From the left back row: Father, mother, grandmother, grandfather. 

From the left front row: Older sister, Maruko Chan 


It is funny because it is a common things kids do. Like wanting to buy a toy but didn't really want to play after they got it. Like wanted to save a piece of cake later but forgotten about it and it turned bad when found. 


Fun read. 

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text 2019-11-11 02:41
Door 2: Japanese Culture Day (Book task)
ちびまる子ちゃん 2 - Momoko Sakura




Book: Read a graphic novel or a book set in a school or academic setting.


Chibi Maruko Chan is in the third grade. She is kind and clumsy. It captured the life of a child in Japan, like having all the Japanese festivals, homework including a diary to record what one has done for the day. Exchanging dairy is also a custom in deepening friendship. 


I couldn't find the store of Vol 1. So I picked this one.  


Book: Read a graphic novel or a book set in a school or academic setting. A stay at mom who yelled at her for not doing her homework and a grandfather who would do whatever she wants. 


The kid strategy to buy snacks (big deal in Japan) for limited money. Spent 1/4 of the money buy the sweets or snack for yourself. Then use the rest of the money to buy the largest quantity of snacks for snacks exchange with other kids. 


It is a fun read. 


Image result for Chibi Maruko Chan


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review 2019-01-13 23:10
Okubyoumono ni I Love You - Riko Sakura
Storiella simpatica e divertente. Senza troppe pretese. Il classico clichè Friends to lovers. Una lettura non memorabile o indimenticabile ma comunque consigliata agli amanti del genere.
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review 2017-12-10 06:45
Alice in the Country of Hearts: The Mad Hatter's Late Night Tea Party (manga, vol. 2) story by QuinRose, art by Riko Sakura, translated by Angela Liu
Alice in the Country of Hearts: The Mad Hatter's Late Night Tea Party, Vol. 02 - QuinRose,Riko Sakura

Alice comes back to find Blood threatening Julius. She refuses to go back to the mansion with him but does agree to visit. When she visits, she, Elliot, and the twins decide to have a picnic lunch together (Blood is too "tired" to go). Blood

deals with some rival mafia, but not before Alice is kidnapped as bait. She's sure she isn't important enough to Blood for him to come get her, but he does. After that, he finally explains who Vivaldi is to him. The volume ends with Alice trying to figure out what Blood's "type" is: she's worried she's too young-looking for him, not sexy enough.

(spoiler show)

This was a vast improvement over volume 1, but it was still essentially a rehash of the first English-translated Alice in the Country of Hearts release and at least one other entry in the franchise that I can't currently recall.

This felt like someone looked at the first volume and said "we need a do-over." The beginning even recapped how Alice arrived in Wonderland. It was kind of weird, actually.

This had nicer artwork than the first volume, but story-wise it still crammed a lot into one volume. For example, there were little creepy bits that indicated that Peter and Nightmare were teaming up to keep Alice in Wonderland, steering her to the point of taking her ability to choose away from her. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough space to both include this stuff and also explain it, so I imagine it'd be terribly confusing to newbies. Actually, I'd only recommend this to Alice in the County of completists like myself.

Am I done with this franchise yet? I think I have a little more to go, but it'd be nice to know how much. I feel like I need a guide of some kind.


(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)

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review 2017-12-10 06:37
Alice in the Country of Hearts: The Mad Hatter's Late Night Tea Party (manga, vol. 1) story by QuinRose, art by Riko Sakura, translated by Angela Liu
Alice in the Country of Hearts: The Mad Hatter's Late Night Tea Party, Vol. 01 - QuinRose,Riko Sakura

This speeds through Alice's arrival in Wonderland, leaving the palace, staying at Julius's, and ending up at the Hatter Mansion. Alice has sex with Blood. It's supposed to be a casual relationship, but she

feels hurt when she starts to think that Blood only keeps her at the mansion to spite Vivaldi. Blood's feelings turn warmer, but Alice can't bring herself to believe him, especially after seeing him with Vivaldi in his garden. She leaves to go back to Julius's place, but Blood pursues her there.

(spoiler show)

This is garbage. Very nearly incoherent, with hardly any story. It speeds through too many things too quickly, and I shudder to think of a newbie to this franchise picking it up. If it was written for franchise veterans, then a lot of stuff should have been left out so that Alice and Blood's relationship could be developed more. But if it was written for franchise veterans it was also largely unnecessary: this was basically a much sloppier and more condensed version of the first Alice in the Country of Hearts release in English, right down to the scene with Blood and Vivaldi in Blood's garden. It contributed nothing new.

There was zero decent relationship development, and it didn't give readers a very good feel for the characters, other than the very basics. It also contradicted itself. It said that Peter abandoned Alice after taking her to Wonderland, but she's with him at the Palace right from the start of the volume.

I read this right after My Fanatic Rabbit, and one of the things that struck me was how different Alice seemed. My Fanatic Rabbit was a Yen Press title translated by Ajino Hirami, while The Mad Hatter's Late Night Tea Party was a Seven Seas title translated by Angela Liu (who, if I remember right, might have handled most, or maybe even all, of Seven Seas' Alice in the Country of translations). The Alice of these two volumes had more of a mouth on her than the Alice of My Fanatic Rabbit.

At any rate, this was probably the worst Alice and Blood pairing I've read so far. The volumes with this pairing are usually pretty good, if only because they dig into Alice's past more than many of the volumes with other pairings do, but this just felt like a cash grab. It would have been too confusing for a franchise newbie, it didn't offer anything new for franchise veterans, and, even though it introduced sex way earlier on than I'm used to this series doing, even that felt tepid. Unfortunately, the artwork wasn't good enough to carry it either - it felt like a riot of screentones.


(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)

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