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Total read this month 16
March 10-20
My life plan is to be brutally honest all the way to the bank. Don't believe me? I run a popular YouTube channel called TrashyZane, and my claim to fame is oversharing about every aspect of my personal life. Sometimes while tipsy. Not everyone loves my style, but I have a long history of icing out people who can't handle me. I have no time for judgmental foolishness.
Except, apparently, when it comes to Beau Starr. His channel is the polar opposite of mine, and so is he. Wholesome, inspirational, and clean-cut. Everything about him should turn me off, but when we hook up following a confrontation at a convention, my world flips upside down. Not only does Beau Starr turn me on, he uses the exact combination of dirty talk and roughness needed to turn me out.
But we still hate each other. I think
Review : This was so cute I love Zane . This is about Zane and Beau they are both gay youtubers but very different . Beau gets this deal to do a tv thing but his contract says no drama and his ex boyfriend pops up and he's pissed and he's threating Beau . Then Zane finds Beau at the con and they end up fighting and fucking they are both a bit kinky in bed . They start to get along and end up dating but they haven't made it public this gossip youtuber is trying to get them to talk. they both end up doing a video together and it gets a bit intense . Beau ex boyfriend is out of Jail and threatens Him and Zane which is why he denies to Zane's friends that they are dating and Zane flips and yells ant Beau but then Beau explains everything and accepts Beau's appolgy and everything is pretty great from there I loved this series .
Let’s be real, kids. The world sucks. Family sucks. And being expected to be eternally indebted to the people who bumped uglies and squirted you out? That sucks. You’re not beholden to anyone.”
Hey, this is Beau Starr. Next time you want to use my name to get views, you can just go ahead and put my name on your title. Guaranteed to make you trend, actually. #ProTip.
Right, Beautifuls?” he asked. “He’s getting cocky because he’s up one point. Fuck that. Put on the blindfold, Beau
Beau has facial hair?” Ian clutched his boyfriend’s shoulders. “I honestly thought he had laser hair removal.” “Seriously?” I said, at the same time Jesse rolled his eyes. “I can grow a beard if I want to. I just never want to, okay? It comes in patchy and it itches.” “Huh.” Ian watched me suspiciously, like I was going to turn into a werewolf. “I’m just having a bit of a lie-in,” I said. Ian’s eyes got bigger. “A lie-in? What are you, British?” Jesse
I kinda like you, Zane. A lot.” His eyelids fell to half-mast. “I like you too, Beau. A lot.