This isn't really an in-depth review so there won't be any spoilers involved, just me spraying feels after freshly finishing this book!
When I first heard about this book and read the overall premise I was instantly sold. To the point that I immediately purchased it off Amazon. Like I do I tend to hoard books that I'm excited to read so it sat on my shelf for a few months. But recently I've gotten into the habit of just reading what I want to read when I want to read it. I was not at all sorry for picking up Sawkill Girls when I did. Because it is Pride month I definitely wanted to read more books with queer representation. Not only was their Bisexual representation that actually used the word bisexual; there is also Ace representation which I've been seeing more and more lately. So already it got major props in that department add in spooky elements and multiple perspectives and you have me sold!
Having never read one of Claire Legrand's works before I was thoroughly impressed with her writing style. There was just enough purple prose without going over the top. It was very clear to me that she knew each character and showed how they differed from the next. But what most impressed me was the opening scene dealing with grief and the phrases people say to the grieving. I instantly latched onto Marion as a character, because I saw myself in her. Being someone who could relate to what she was going through.
As a reader that highly impressed me, plus it was very touching. The lore within this story had me thoroughly intrigued and had me wanting more! It was very interesting to learn about what the creature was and the generational tidbits here and there. I would say I wish more had been expanded on, but that's mostly the lore geek in me. I hope maybe we might see a sequel, even if it's not involving these characters directly. Because there's definitely more to be explored there. All in all, though there was never a dull moment for me while reading Sawkill Girls. If I hadn't been busy it would have been eaten up sooner, lol.