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text 2017-03-24 13:00
Blog Tour for The Fires of Love & Hate Book Series by Sky Alexander with Giveaway


Today’s stop is for Sky Alexander’s The Fires of Love & Hate Book series . We will have info about the books and author, plus a great giveaway. Make sure to check everything out and enter the giveaway. Happy Reading :) 





Forced to Love


“Inspiration can come from anywhere, but nothing is more uplifting and irresistible to me as a new Sky Alexander novel. This is one of my new favorites, (with FORCED TO LOVE) Sky Alexander shows his unique writing style that reminds us of how great historical romance and western romance can be written that reminds you of classics but with new addictive twists that are uplifting and intriguing in The Fires of Love & Hate (Historical Romance Collection). Hattie really shows that through thick and then love for your family is one of the most important things.” ~Heather Goodreads
“FORCED TO LOVE is spell-bounding and one of my new favorite historical romance stories that is sure to be around for a long time. You must read this!” ~ Juanita Goodreads
Hattie Morran is a poor dirt farmers daughter in Missouri. Suddenly Hattie finds that her life is changed in the blink of an eye and she is forced to love Abner Garland. Now her Western Romance which is purely a façade for show and to save her family will soon come to an end.
From the moment that you are brought into the book you will be immediately part of the western romance in the middle of the south. The Fires of Love & Hate Series will keep you right in the middle of a tale that is based on some true and historical events. This Historical Romance series is sure to be you’re new favorite.




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Falling Into Love
FALLING INTO LOVE is the newest book in Sky Alexander’s series The Fires of Love & Hate (Historical Romance Collection).
“Inspiration can come from anywhere, but nothing is more uplifting and irresistible to me as a new Sky Alexander novel. This is one of my new favorites, (with FALLING INTO LOVE) Sky Alexander shows his unique writing style that reminds us of how great historical romance and western romance can be written that reminds you of classics but with new addictive twists that are uplifting and intriguing in The Fires of Love & Hate (Historical Romance Collection). Hattie really shows that through thick and then love for your family is one of the most important things.” ~Heather Goodreads
“FALLING INTO LOVE is spell-bounding and one of my new favorite historical romance stories that is sure to be around for a long time. You must read this!” ~ Juanita Goodreads
Hattie and Lou decide to take the world by storm in this historical romance. Hattie is finally reunited with her first love Ira Saxon. Now her Western Romance which has been something she has been dreaming of looks like it is finally coming true. Still there are many challenges from her Ex-Husband who is determined to get his hands on his inheritance and bound and determined to see Hattie’s life ruined. And now with Nicholas Star in the mix Hattie has much more to deal with.




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Hate To Love
Uplifting jaw dropping Western Romance! This book really shows you what kind of Historical Romance author Sky Alexander is. ~ Tiffany Goodreads
“HATE TO LOVE” Reminds me of that song “You Lied Straight Faced; While I Cried” This Historical Romance is perfectly set in a Western Romance theme. I literally could not believe that Ira was doing what he was! I can’t wait for the next book. ~ Stephanie Goodreads
Hattie’s whirlwind Western Romance is quickly changing even before the honeymoon to the man she has loved for so long comes to an end. It seems forever is not much more than a fantasy in this Historical Romance. Hattie takes an adult view deciding to try and fix the situation that seems impossible.



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Death of Love
Death of Love is the fourth book in Sky Alexander’s series The Fires of Love & Hate (Historical Romance Collection).
Ira’s infraction with the law has caused a change in their relationship. Hattie must now see things through to the end. Her long desires for Matthew tear heavily on her heart in this western romance. Still, she has no idea how to pull herself out of this devotion she has had for a man that she has loved as long as she can remember. Will this historical romance leave her wanting? Will she ever find peace?


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Sky Alexander is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced IT professionals in the industry today. He holds degrees in Software Engineering, Network Engineering and Database Engineering.He has worked for companies such as Hewlett Packard, Citicorp Bank and Wells Fargo, as well as many different top United States Government Agencies in the intelligence arena. Sky has built software that is in use in multiple businesses utilizing both structural design patterns and behavioral design patterns. He is an expert in .Net, Java and OSI platforms. He has used many different technologies to create very sophisticated applications for both mobile devices as well as stand-alone software applications. Sky has over 15 years experience in the industry, managing teams in the United States as well as managing teams remotely in Bangalore, India and Shanghai, China. He has designed and implemented website infrastructures for many multi-national companies. Sky is also the author of 16 novels. He is currently working on three different series: The Fires of Love and Hate, Aspen Falls, and World of Darkness. Sky has also written several stage plays and two full-length feature films: Out of Darkness and A Forbidden Love. Sky also does ghostwriting and is currently mentoring several other authors on how to write books. Sky is founder and CEO of two different companies: Rising Phoenix Publishing is designed to help people of all ages who want to write and publish a book. We take submissions from aspiring authors and determine if their work is ready for publication. Rising Phoenix will work with authors who may need additional coaching to reach publication level. We currently have books from 21 authors being prepared for production. We will engage the best in the business to produce, market, and sell the books, both online and to bookstores across the United States and eventually the world. Rising Phoenix Studios is designed with the intent of breaking all the rules of Hollywood by bringing fresh new stories to the platform with up-and-coming talented actors. Our goal will always be to bring original untold stories to production that are entertaining, compelling and positive films for the enjoyment of the entire family.



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apr 5- Rainy Day Reviews – REVIEW ALL

apr 6- Sapphyria's Book Reviews

apr 7- A Bluestocking's Place


Source: snoopydoosbookreviews.com/blog-tour-fires-love-hate-book-series-sky-alexander-giveaway
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text 2016-06-02 00:49
Series I Hate, pt 2
Chosen - Kristin Cast,P.C. Cast
Twilight / New Moon / Eclipse / Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer
Evermore - Alyson Noel
Halo - Alexandra Adornetto
Taking Chances - Molly McAdams
The Infernal Devices, the Complete Collection: Clockwork Angel; Clockwork Prince; Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare

Women So Dumb That Surviving to Adulthood Seems Unlikely



My first installment was about the love of abusive asshole men, and how they are romanticized. This time, I'm going to look at the women that are so stupid you don't know how they make it in life.


Chosen (House of Night Series): I want to start out by saying I read the whole series. And for the first several books, I loved it all. I loved the world and I loved the characters. But then it got stupid. Zoey is supposed to be saving the world, but she really spends more time boning boys than doing anything productive. She went from hero to boy crazy, and nobody seemed to think she needed reigning in. She also couldn't see things that were right in front of her face and was way too soft and forgiving.


Twilight: It makes the list again, simply because Bella is as unappealing as a rock. She is devoid of personality. And she can't figure out obvious plot points. Not to mention she thinks only she can turn the tides in every single fight the Cullens have with outside forces. Which always ends up putting her in danger and making things worse rather than better.


Evermore: Ever was a bitch. There is no way to put it any better. After her parents die, she goes to live with her rich aunt. And she acts like a horrible brat. She drives drunk, drinks at school, and goes off to the beach with a boy she hardly knows. She's always rude, and she even keeps her sister's ghost hostage for most of the book. I don't know why so many people liked this terrible book. Ever was horrible.


Halo: Oh, Bethany, you empty-headed little twerp. She was the worst representation of an angel I have ever seen written. She lies, she makes out with a guy, she gets trashed at a party. And that little tidbit is where I really got frustrated. Because supposedly, the angels have all human knowledge...but she didn't know alcohol would get her drunk. All of the angels in this book were stupid, but Bethany took the cake.


Taking Chances: Harper. Harper was raised by a marine father. Harper had never been inside a mall in all her 18 years. Harper didn't know having unprotected sex for 2 days would end up with her popping out a child. Harper also took a guy bruising her as a term of endearment. She believes that no matter how fucked up she makes her life, a rich, muscle-bound man will swoop in and take care of everything. Buy her a tricked-out car, a townhouse, adopt her illegitimate baby. And there are never any true consequences to her stupid actions. In fact, everyone will swoon over you and coddle you. Because you're super special.


The Infernal Devices: Barf. Tessa is so dumb she has to live with a house full of people just to not die. Which she tries to do at every turn. And while not attempting death, she makes out with 2 guys. One that is adorable and sweet. One that is a complete dick. And as things go, she falls for the asshole that calls her a prostitute. Lofty goals, lady. Let's close with the fact she abandons her family when her husband dies. Poof. No more momma. Don't call us, we'll call you.


Have I given you a headache yet?

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review 2016-04-22 00:00
Pieces of Hate (The Assassins Series)
Pieces of Hate (The Assassins Series) - Tim Lebbon DNF - I read up to 40% and just wasn't feeling it. I usually enjoy Tim Lebbon's books, too, but this just didn't work for me
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review 2016-04-07 02:20
Review: Pieces of Hate by Tim Lebbon
Pieces of Hate (The Assassins Series) - Tim Lebbon

Pieces of Hate collects two Tim Lebbon stories revolving around the assassin Gabriel - "Dead Man's Hand" and "Pieces of Hate." Gabriel is on the hunt for Temple, who slaughtered his family, and it provides the basis for two equally interesting settings with one serving as a de facto western (albeit a weird western) and the other a good old-fashioned pirate story, respectively.


I won't say more about Gabriel, his mission, or Temple because, really, why spoil the fun of those discoveries? There's some interesting history between these two figures, and if you've read the book description you already know the gist of it.


Frankly, I'm a bit torn on this book. It's filled with good ideas and interesting locales, which I liked a lot, but the execution just didn't jibe with me.


In "Dead Man's Hand," we join Gabriel in the infamous Wild West town of Deadwood. This one's a first-person POV narrated by a man named Doug who discovers a bloodied-up Gabriel in his shop. Doug's personal history isn't exactly one that would mark him as an adventurer, and he's about as interesting as the timber walkways lining the fledgling community's horseshit covered streets. Gabriel and Temple are, of course, the most interesting aspects of this story, but with Doug serving as a filter most of that gets watered down. Doug, you see, doesn't know what the hell is going on and can't really tell us anything meaning. Lebbon teases us with hints of a much better story than what is actually delivered by hapless Doug. We get all kinds of mystery and intrigue, but zilch in the way of answers and resolution. Thanks for nothing, Doug.


"Pieces of Hate" is the more interesting of the two, because PIRATES! This story is a close third-person account with a much stronger focus on Gabriel than the introductory story, and contains a bulk of the meat missing from "Dead Man's Hand." Unfortunately, it's equally frustrating in its resolution, and those hoping for an epic showdown between these sworn enemies will be disappointed. While there's some nice swashbuckling elements, I would have preferred a stronger finale for my time investment.


As a collection, Pieces of Hate provides two stories that are well written, but which lack a satisfying resolution. I guess the end of the second story offers a slim glimmer of hope that maybe a third story will come out to put a pin in all this with a decent finale. I might even be swayed to read it. Lebbon has some great ideas here, but none that are fully realized.


[Note: I received a copy of this title from the publisher, via NetGalley, for review.]

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review 2016-03-28 15:06
An Empire of Traitors by Serban V.C. Enache
An Empire Of Traitors (Of Hate And Laughter Book 1) - Serban Valentin Constantin Enache

This is the beginning of a very epic tale. There are dozens of characters and storyblines that are woven together - somewhat. I think as we go along things will become quite a nice tapestry of the world. This isn't just epic in the character count, but in the size of the world and realms. We go from nomadic desert kingdoms to frigid northlands and the places in between. There are hints of magic anc magical creatures, although I have yet to see one outside of dreams.

There is a lot of setting up the various story lines and beginnings. Almost too many. Outside of the usurper timeline, many of them didn't seem to go anywhere yet. This was a little disappointing because I really like to see forward progress and development of all the little pieces.

I'm sure these will be continued into the next book and I hope to see a lot of great things. I just wish more of those great and exciting things had happened in book one.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

Source: www.hotofftheshelves.com/2016/03/an-empire-of-traitors-by-serban-vc.html
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