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review 2015-05-14 11:03
Book Review: She Walks in Beauty : A Woman's Journey Through Poems by Caroline Kennedy
She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems - Caroline Kennedy

I nearly did not buy this collection of poems - I have issues with publisher's exploiting celebrity names to sell books (and the Kennedy name is about as "celebrity" as you can get, even to a non-American!), but I'm glad I did! While at times the introductory notes were too maudlin (and, at times, slipped into condescension), this ended up being a wonderful collection of poetry to relax with. 


From the short, deeply profound words of Rumi & La Tzu, to the magnificent "The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver; from old favourites (How do I love thee?) to new discoveries (Letter from my Wife), this beautiful collection has something for every mood. It also held some surprises - who knew Elizabeth 1 wrote poetry?!


Particularly appealing was the well-constructed lay-out, consisting of sections each containing a variety of poetic voices speaking about different times/events in a woman's life (love, marriage, death, grief and so on).


A volume of poetry that can be dipped into again and again.

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text 2015-05-07 04:31
April- National Poetry Month
She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems - Caroline Kennedy
Poe: Poems - Edgar Allan Poe

I probably should have posted this during April but better late than never.  Last month was national poetry month and I read these two books.   I love reading poetry because it makes me think more about what I am reading kind of like when I am reading classics. I know that reading poetry isn't for everyone and I remember when I was in school I had a hard time reading and understanding them.   Here are some tips to make reading poetry a little easier.


1.  Read slowly

2.  Try a relaxed tone

3.  Pause at the end of each line.

4. Try reading the poem aloud

5. If you don't know a word look it up

6. Don't skim it

7. Be Patient

8. Try to visualize 


I hope that this was helpful.

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review 2014-10-06 23:15
She walks in beauty by Lord Byron
She Walks in Beauty - George Gordon Byron

This is one of my favorite poems, the beauty and perfection in its words makes it hard not to love it.


I can read it over and over again and I'll always find myself trapped in its lines. It's short but so meaningful, at least to me.

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review 2013-04-08 22:32
She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems
She Walks in Beauty: A Woman's Journey Through Poems - Caroline Kennedy eclectic anthology
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review 2012-11-23 00:00
She Walks in Beauty
She Walks in Beauty - Siri Mitchell This lovely book of coming of age, discovering dark secrets and discovering yourself was wonderfully wound in a perfect blend of breathtaking words. wow. that's a good sentence! I wish the ending was more in depth though. Sigh...oh well.And her 'friend', I'm not too fond of her friend.
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