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text 2020-02-29 16:51


Title: Son of Hanover Block

Series: The Hanover Quartet (Book 3)

Genre: Dark Fantasy/Occult/Horror

Length: 250 pages

Imprint: new dollar pulp

Release Date: February 29, 2020



young boy collapses on a playground. Surgeons carve out a giant tumor and half of his brain. Soon after, the boy's father locks him in a secret prison for his own perverse amusement. Through physical and psychological torture, he plans to transform his son into a monster, but he creates something wholly unexpected.



A research psychiatrist is on the verge of publishing a strange and beautiful new book, a collection of artists' renderings of the hallucinations of the clinically insane. Her book threatens to expose a terrible truth, and this truth will not set her free.



A mysterious infestation, intensely personal and deadly, is decimating communities across the nation. All that stands in its path is a ruthless government agency which may prove to be more lethal than the otherworldly parasites it aims to destroy.



The son is rising…


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Signed by the Author | Amazon | BAM!


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Need to get caught up?


Get started with The Hanover Block for only 99¢!


The Hanover Block 


And continue with Brides of Hanover Block for just $2.99!


Brides of Hanover Block

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video 2019-11-12 15:32

Mr. Edward Lorn continues his Gregor Xane week over at his YouTube channel.


The giveaway clues...


In yesterday's video, he gives the first clue, the title for the 3rd book in the series, and in today's video, he gives the second clue, the title for the 4th book in the series.


In order to win the giveaway (signed paperback copies of THE HANOVER BLOCK & BRIDES OF HANOVER BLOCK), you have to be the first to post a comment on tomorrow's video with the titles for books 3 & 4.

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video 2019-11-11 23:06

Mr. Edward Lorn is sharing his thoughts on THE HANOVER BLOCK and BRIDES OF HANOVER BLOCK on his YouTube channel this week. He'll also be hosting a giveaway where viewers have a chance to win a signed paperback copy of both books.

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