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quote 2015-05-22 13:19
The ethos of otherworldly worldly salvation through self-denial increasingly gave way to this-worldly self-fulfillment. Cultural anxiety followed upon this shift, which privileged a secular, progressive version of free will (a core tenet of Christianity). All manner ner of possibilities were annexed to this pivotal doctrine.' Unshackled from its religious context, free will broadened the possibilities for self-determination while simultaneously eroding restraint and self-control. Ultimately, however, this new expansiveness, which positioned self at center, offered no basis on which to orient choice or identity. The absence of any indication of what an individual should choose-or even aspire to, beyond satisfaction of individual needs and the avoidance of suffering-tainted this freedom, quickly leading to existential despair.'

Suffering, in this new paradigm, became aligned with the new significance accorded the self. No longer understood in terms of Christ's sacrifice, or as a test of faith, suffering was instead linked to desire. Desire-the needing, craving, ing, and wanting of objects or others that were no longer (or never had been) attainable-was not to be denied; nor was the suffering it caused to be borne. Rather, it was to be remediated-by letting go.
Bullying: The Social Destruction of Self - Laura Martocci

Laura Martocci. Bullying: The Social Destruction of Self (Kindle Locations 160-166). Kindle Edition.

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quote 2014-10-06 06:41
His greatest if most incomplete achievement, The Canterbury Tales, is a consummation and celebration of all previous English literature. It's "general prologue," and twenty-four separate tales, cover every form from sermon to farce, from saint's life to animal fable, from heroic adventure to full-scale parody. It's twenty-eight characters (including Chaucer himself) furnish an assembly of fourteenth-century people in a medley of occupations and professions. The Divine Comedy has come to earth; The Romance of the Rose has been humanized.

Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination by Peter Ackroyd

(from chapter on Chaucer)

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quote 2014-07-29 04:59
Like doctors and lawyers, the vendors of religion rarely criticize one another's wares, Joss observed.
Contact - Carl Sagan

Contact - Carl Sagan

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quote 2014-03-15 21:10
Be smart. Don't post information on any social-networking website that you feel is inappropriate. You want to keep certain bits of information private. If a social-networking website asks you to provide information that you aren't comfortable sharing, don't share it. If the website insists you share that information, don't use that service. It's as simple as that.

This is taken from "Blogging for Dummies" by Amy Lupold Blair and Susannah Gardner.


I thought it might supplement a lot of what people were saying when speaking out against Anne Rice's petition to Amazon about adopting an all "real name" policy.


Everyone has the right to privacy, and everyone has the right to choose whether they want to have a penname or not.  Regardless of their particular role or background.


It doesn't make sense to deny the rights of a person in one area over another.  Equal protections are key, and that's what makes this petition by Rice so troubling, among other notations.

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quote 2014-03-10 13:23
If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

I am taking a little bit to myself. 

A short break. Probably really short.

I have suffered the loss of someone who is very important to me and I will be focused on that for a bit. I'm one where I have to keep busy, so it won't be long. I'm already WAY behind on reviews, so yeah... it probably won'y be long.

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