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url 2016-05-28 04:35
6 Signs That Somebody in Your Life Is a Member of Your Soul Group

soul group


We all belong to a soul group. It’s your innermost circle of most trusted people that are in your life to teach you important lessons.

Sure, we all have a lot of people in our lives but not all of them are part of our soul group and that’s because not all of them have a profound impact on our lives. Here are the signs that somebody is a member of your soul group:


1. If you have chemistry

If you have instant chemistry with somebody, chances are they are going to serve a purpose in your life. If they immediately feel familiar the second you meet and you get along so comfortably, they may be a part of your soul group.

2. If they encourage you

People in your soul group constantly encourage you and believe in your potential. Whether it’s personal goals, career goals or relationships, people who belong in your soul group will always push you to achieve these goals and once you do, they’re genuinely happy and help you celebrate them.


....... click link to read the rest.

Source: www.learning-mind.com/signs-member-soul-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LearningMind+%28Learning+Mind+email%29
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