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text 2021-12-27 19:39
4 Amazing Tips On Content Marketing For Small Businesses


Historically, small businesses have been slower in adapting to content marketing methods and/or strategies that are utilized by corporate marketers. However, as (SEO) Search Engine Optimization practices have evolved considerably in the last couple of years - it's become more than obvious that small businesses need to add eBooks, comparison guides, and how-tos, as well as other content strategies, to remain competitive rankings.


It doesn't matter if the content is outsourced to an company that offers content management services done in-house - ideas for creative, informative, and engaging content more than often becomes scarce.


Regardless of that fact, we have 4 amazing tips on content marketing for small businesses. Check them out below:


 Develop a Calendar for Content Marketing. Developing a calendar for content marketing will allow you to document content strategies and methods. Also, it's an awesome way to ensure that content creation is done in a timely fashion and remains on schedule. This amazing method for content creation is often neglected and overlooked by many small businesses.


Approximately, 61 percent of content marketers have said that their greatest issue when creating content is that it's too time-consuming. Only 44% of marketers have reported keeping a calendar with documented content marketing methods and strategies.

Developing and putting together a calendar that's designated for content scheduling for the month is the 1st step in setting aside time to brainstorm, strategize, create and finally publish content.


You Need to Find Out What Works For You! Before you go on a scavenger hunt for inspiration on other websites you need to have a good understanding of the features and components of past content that has been beneficial to you and your small business.


We advise you to utilize Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics to check on the leading, trafficked web pages, and queries so that you're able to identify what content has worked the best and which keywords have been used to find your content. Furthermore, it is recommended to use Social Statistics, as they can also, give you insight into content that has done well.


You can check out Social Media performances by using services, such as - Add This, which embeds buttons to share on blogs and also, have tracking info. These are user-friendly dashboards, which offer information on an array of click backs and shares.

Comprehending Social Media Trends for Topics. Social Media networks and/or platforms are extremely helpful in getting new idea topics. Creating content revolving around trending topics will give you invaluable content ideas, which people are actively searching for in real-time.


For instance, Twitter has now had trending topics accessible for quite some time. Earlier this year - Facebook introduced trending topics as well... If you need or want to view trending topics on a more local scale, then you can utilize Trendsmap, which offers users a close and intimate look at trending topics and news that's overlaid on a map with information from Twitter's social media platform.


Amplify content by covering different aspects of a story. Take a controversial stance or supplement it by using an array of media options, such as - infographics or videos.

Use Content That's Visual. Although, the majority of SEO practices tend to focus on text that will be digested by different search engines - now, visual content has become a lot more appealing and interesting for your fellow, human readers. People seem to be naturally wired to be more attracted and more likely to engage with visual content. Ninety percent of the info that enters the human brain is acquired visually.


If you're running a small operation or business it is still essential that you remain in the loop. As always, content is vital to the success of your SEO campaign. Start incorporating these tips into your current and future content and you'll notice that you'll experience fewer difficulties coming up with new topic ideas and/or interesting content for your users and visitors.

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url 2021-10-05 15:48
The Great Wave

The Great Wave Learning from Van Gogh & Hokusai about 19th Century Art


Reconsidering Transcendence in Art Presence or Absence of divine Learning from Van Gogh & Hokusai by Nataša Pantović

The Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh, 1889 & Japanese print Hokusai Great Wave 1833 Starry Night (1889), was created while Vincet was a patient at Saint-Paul-de-Mausole Asylum in France

The late 1800s was the time of Impressionism as a radical art movement , centered around Parisian painters, the wave that rebelled against classical subject and gave respect to Mother Nature.

Travelling to their thought-form, Vincent van Gogh to the artist friend Emile:


Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard, Saint-Rémy, 1889


“But now look, ... you surely can't seriously imagine a confinement like that, in the middle of the road, with the mother starting to pray instead of suckling her child? Those bloated frogs of priests on their knees as though they're having an epileptic fit are also part of it, God alone knows how and why!

No, I can't call that sound, for if I am at all capable of spiritual ecstasy, then I feel exalted in the face of truth, of what is possible, which means I bow down before the study - one that had enough power in it to make a Millet tremble - of peasants carrying a calf born in the fields back home to the farm.

That, my friend, is what people everywhere, from France to America, have felt. And having performed a feat like that, can you really contemplate reverting to medieval tapestries? Can that really be what you mean to do? No! You can do better than that, and know that you must look for what is possible, logical and true.”

Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard, Saint-Rémy, 1889


“Now to enlighten you, my dear M. Van Gogh, ... I am searching for and at the same time expressing a general state of mind rather than a unique thought, to have someone else's eye experience an indefinite, infinite impression. To suggest a suffering does not indicate what kind of suffering: purity in general and not what kind of purity. Literature is one (painting also). Consequently, suggested and not explained thought.”

Letter from Paul Gauguin to Theo van Gogh. At this time, Vincent was 36 year old.


The Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh, 1889 & Japanese print Hokusai Great Wave 1833


First seen outside Japan in the 1880s, Van Gogh's brother was one of the first Europeans to collect Japanese prints and has admired Japanese art.


Starry Night (1889), was created while Vincent was a patient at Saint-Paul-de-Mausole Asylum in France 


"The artist always comes up against resistance from nature in the beginning, but if he really takes her seriously he will not be put off by that opposition, on the contrary, it is all the more incentive to win her over - at heart, nature and the honest draughtsman are as one.” Vincent Van Gogh to his brother” “The struggle with nature is sometimes a bit like what Shakespeare calls “the taming of the shrew””. Vincent van Gogh Letter to Theo van Gogh, 1881 in Etten, At this time, Vincent was 28 year old.

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/289/the-great-wave
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photo 2021-07-09 06:58
Tips on How to Write an Article

The first step to learning how to write an article is deciding on a good topic. Once you’ve got your topic, the next step is to find your keywords to optimize your article to rank well on the SERPs. It must be informative, factual, and cater to the user’s search intent. Before you publish, you need to find out how well your draft is written and edit it. The final tip for how to write a great article is checking how and where you’ve used your keywords to make sure your article is as optimized for search engines as possible. If you’d like some help or assistance with blog writing, then it is propounded to connect with the professionals of a local SEO company in Edwards, CO

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url 2021-06-05 16:49
Scoop.it Self Development research Articles by AoL Mindfulness
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Mindful Living Project provides individuals and parents with training sessions and workshops covering the subjects of self-development, applied psychology, conscious relationships.  The books present various transformation tools and techniques to better deal with life’s issues, competition oriented culture, stressful work environment and parenting problems.


The project focus is Creativity and Art related to the area of:

  1. Mindful Eating and Body Awareness
  2. Thinking Process and Emotional Intelligence
  3. Mindfulness as Applied Psychology tool in Daily / Weekly / Monthly setting
  4. Divergent Thinking and Creative Thinking
  5. Conscious Relationships
  6. Setting Goals
  7. Conscious Parenting
Source: www.scoop.it/topic/free-self-development-course
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url 2021-06-04 08:58
Inspired or lost in the technology matrix?
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit

We live surrounded by an increasingly complex matrix of impulses (transmitted via TV, media and the internet) that allow strangers of all sorts to interfere in our mental, emotional and spiritual development. Understanding this intricate network and how the human brain interacts with it is becoming our door to happiness and health.


Our interaction with the Net, with TV and with computers has replaced our interaction with nature which in its magical way nurtures our cognitive,emotional, physical and psychological well-being


The self or the personality is a bundle of socially-influenced traits that emerges and is formed gradually. We are shaped by our parents and neighbours, by our religion, the media, by various marketing agendas of major corporations, by our state’s politics, by the way we behave or misbehave towards our own body, our mind, the environment, animals and plants, and our planet Earth.

So, what would we need to do to understand the importance of a healthy body, to manage our emotions and nurture love for our friends and family, to become aware of how we can make a positive impact on our society or the environment, or discover the purpose of life and ways to be happy?

A great deal is known about the links between our behaviour and TV, and between our emotions and computer games, because there have been thousands of studies on these subjects. Researchers have all asked the same question – whether there is a link between exposure to violence (on TV or in a game) and violent behaviour.

Source: timesofmalta.com/articles/view/inspired-or-lost-in-the-technology-matrix.460358
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