*Book source ~ Kindle Lending Library
Vivian Stuart and her servants wash up on the island belonging to Lord Galen Maclean after the ship they are traveling on has sunk. Her father, who was on his way to consult with Galen’s father, is dead and his books have sunk to the deep with him. Not that it would have mattered because Galen’s dad is dead, too. Galen is a tortured son drowning in guilt believing he’s responsible for the death of his father. Vivian is determined to either leave the island or fix Galen. She can’t decide which.
This book was definitely not for me. It evinced emotions in me that books rarely do, but they are by no means good ones. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to beat my brains in with Stargate (my Paperwhite). Vivian is a simpering nitwit and Galen has anger management issues. Both of them are bipolar, swinging wildly from one emotion to another often in the same paragraph. It was maddening. At 20% in I was ready to toss in the towel, but decided to stick it out hoping the kinks would get worked out. I was wrong. I started skipping large chunks of text because it was all the same. I hate him/her, I love him/her, I want out, she needs to leave, I want to stay, I can’t let her leave…back and forth, back and forth. The characters are annoying and flat. They need serious work. The dialogue is stilted. The plot is membrane thin. By 50% in I wanted a freak hurricane to come and destroy the island. All problems solved.
All-in-all this was an extremely frustrating book. Maybe others will like it better.