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url 2023-08-16 13:30
The Basics of Digital Marketing: What You Need to Know

Digital marketing has become a crucial aspect for the growth of any business these days. There are several things that you need to know about it.

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review 2017-08-05 14:47
Wicked Bite by Rebecca Zanetti
Wicked Bite - Rebecca Zanetti

This is such a great paranormal romance series. I haven't read all the other books in this series and I don't feel as if this I was completely lost, but I probably would have enjoyed this even more if I had read the previous installments. 


I love how Zanetti writes her characters. So many other books in this genre have cookie cutter characters with no depth. Not in this. We see flaws, uniqueness, layers, and more. The two main characters really fit together well and make a great couple. 


I do feel the mystery part of this was a bit predictable, but it didn't make me enjoy this any less. There is quite a bit of steam, but it doesn't get too cheesy or gagtastic. 


This is a great paranormal romance and fans on the genre should really read this series. I do recommend starting with her Dark Protector books first as this is a spin-off series. 


Book provided by Netgalley.

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text 2016-07-28 19:39
Where are my fellow EIT fans?!
Veiled - Karina Halle


Dudes!! I know there are quite a few peeps in here that are big Experiment in Terror fans like me. And if you are you know the series ended *sad face* BUT did you know that Karina Halle just released the first book in a spinoff series centered around the other Palomino sister, Ada?!



I just found out about this a few days ago and the book went live today! Just thought I'd share in case anyone missed this info, and to let you know I'm so freaking excited about this and once I catch up on work tomorrow, I'm going to be all up in this book!! Anyone else planning on reading this soon? 


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review 2015-06-25 06:30
★★★★★ Review: Wasted Lust - JA Huss
Wasted Lust: (A 321 Spinoff) - JA Huss
*This book is recommended for a mature audience due to the fact that it includes either sexual content, violence, drug and/or alcohol abuse or all of the above*
Wasted Lust - J. A. Huss
Published by: Selfpublished, on 24 June 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Format: eARC
Source: Author
Reading Challenges: 2015 New Release Challenge, Summer COYER 2015
5 Stars
A girl with regrets…
Sasha Cherlin died the night she let Nick Tate walk out on her for a life of crime. Her very essence was destroyed when they broke their promise to one another.

A man with remorse…
Nick Tate made his choice with her future in mind. He loved Sasha enough to know that leaving her behind was the only way to keep her safe.

A path to revenge…
Special Agent Jax Barlow understands the bond of love and he plans to use it to get justice. Nick and Sasha will do anything to rewrite their past. He’s counting on that to bring them down.

*I received a free ARC of Wasted Lust from the author in exchange of an honest and unbiased review*


Wasted Lust is such a complex story about redemption, finding oneself, the meaning of life, love, loyalty, friendship and closure. My feels were all over the place!


My Wasted Lust review:

What can I say, apart from Huss definitely did it again! She got me engrossed in Sasha’s story from the first sentence, and I was practically on the edge of my seat for the duration of Wasted Lust. Complex characters, most of whom I already knew both from the Rook & Ronin series and its spinoffs and from 321, I was so happy to meet Sasha as a woman, and also to see what Jax was up to, even if I never could have guessed at the deep secrets that surrounded him. Well written, with chapters from both Sasha’s and Jax’ perspectives, I was able to delve deeply into their thoughts, however, every time I thought I had something figured out, I was proved wrong. As usual. Huss is so good at throwing curve balls, creating unseen twists and turns, and making characters just different enough from what I’d expect that the only thing to do is to be prepared for the unexpected.


In Wasted Lust, we learn a lot more about the company, but in very indirect ways. And Sasha, who seemed to have it all so well together didn’t know what she really wanted with her own life, how to move forward, or even what kind of career she wanted. At the beginning of the story, Sasha got of a plane after participating in an archeological dig in Peru, and special agent Jax Barlow comes straight up to her to ask her some questions. From that first meeting, even while being confident that she will be safe, Sasha is definitely on edge, and Jax is happy to let her feel a little unsettled.


As always, I was mesmerized with the prose, the turns of phrases, and the way the characters were never completely uncovered. Huss is amazing in the way she spins her tales to make every single word potentially have a deeper meaning, and knowing that going in, I was ready to question everything! I loved how Sasha was capable of relying on herself, but I did find it a little sad that she didn’t contact Ford for help. Of course, she had been keeping secrets from him as well, so there were some present difficulties she couldn’t share with him without also telling him about the past… Sasha also always trusted her gut feeling, which helped her stay strong and slightly ahead of the game.

To make sure I don’t give anything away, I’m just gong to stop here… I have pages upon pages of highlights for my favorite quotes, so I chose a few from the very beginning. Don’t wait – go get your own copy of Wasted Lust right now, and just enjoy the wild ride, the amazing characters and the goose-bumps.


Some of my favorite Wasted Lust quotes:

I. Am. A success. “I moved on,” I tell Agent Jax. But I know it’s a lie. And he knows it’s a lie. Because even though I’m the toughest girl you will ever meet – I am the killer of killers, for fuck’s sake – just on picture of just one man can take me back to the moment I realized… I lost. I lost everything.


My father is dead. Mother dead. Grandparents, dead. Home gone. And Nick – the one thing I held onto after the Company took my childhood away and turned me into a murderer – left me behind. Left me all alone.Because only a Company kid can understand what I am. We don’t walk the edge, we live on the other side of it.


Granted, her partners – all other Company-trained assassins – helped. But without this one girl they wouldn’t have gotten very far. No. The demise and fall of the Company was a product of Sasha Cherlin’s loss, anger, and heartbreak. Note to self. Do not cross this girl. 


Sasha is a living, walking ghost.


This book counts towards the COYER scavenger hunt item 58 – read a book by an author with three names.

Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

Source: unconventionalbookviews.com/review-wasted-lust-j-a-huss
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review 2014-11-20 05:00
Attack on Titan: No Regrets (manga, vol. 1) story by Gun Snark, art by Hikaru Suruga, translated by Ben Applegate
Attack on Titan: No Regrets 1 - Hikaru Suruga,Gan Sunaaku,Hajime Isayama

This takes place prior to the original Attack on Titan series. Survey Corps squad leader Erwin recruits Levi, Isabel, and Furlan from the underground slums because he believes they have great potential. They trained themselves to use the 3D maneuvering gear that they stole, something that's difficult for many Survey Corps members to believe. Erwin also

ensures that the Survey Corps continues to get the funding it needs to head outside the Walls and try his idea to reduce Survey Corps casualties (the long distance enemy scouting formation). During their first trip outside the walls with the Survey Corps, Levi and his friends do awesomely, much to the surprise and annoyance of the regular Survey Corps members that hate them.

(spoiler show)

I'll probably continue on with this series just because of Levi, but so far this is kind of dull, and Levi and friends are a bit too amazing right from the get-go. Keep in mind, they

have had zero Titan-fighting experience prior to their first trip outside the walls with the Survey Corps, and they handle an Aberrant perfectly.

(spoiler show)

Isabel and Furlan practically have “cannon fodder” written on their foreheads – one of the drawbacks of setting a spinoff prior to the original series is that you know which characters don't carry over. It's possible that they just decide to quit the Survey Corps at some point, but, considering the Survey Corps' high mortality rate, it seems more likely that they'll die tragically. I'm going to guess that a good portion of this series will be devoted to showing how Erwin manages to thaw Levi and earn his undying loyalty, so staying interested in Isabel and Furlan is probably going to be a bit of a struggle for me.

This has much nicer (prettier?) looking artwork than the original series, while at the same time keeping the same character design style (other than big-eyed Isabel, who looks like a refugee from another series). The linework is cleaner and doesn't look constantly heavy and dark. So far, I like it.


(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)

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