're telling me that there are two guys who managed to follow an arms-dealer who is somewhat paranoid about his security and he did not notice them. Then they were tailing the MC and just sat in their car. Right in front of here house. Just staring through her window. And then they're surprised when she notices them?
Now twice in a row the MC got an urgent call and was so shocked by it that she just stormed out of the house without caring about what she was wearing. Of course both times she had been wearing absoloutely riddiculous dresses (because of reasons) which lead to *~*hillarious*~* scenes.
I am crying with laughter.
Got this as a review-copy and already hate it A LOT. The MC is your typical 'look isn't it *~*hillarious*~* how clumsy I am, just go and laugh at me! So many of those type of crime-novels have them. She's also a single mom and her teenage daughter is just *~*perfect*~*. She looks great, is intelligent and great at school (why have fictional cops and sleuths only kids that are either flawless or completely off the rails, taking drugs and hanging out with gangs? Where are bloody average teenagers who are good at one subject at school but fail at another? Who might have gotten really drunk once and perhaps also experimented with marijuana but didn't turn to heroin?)