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text 2020-05-30 00:58
Zueinanderfinden ist schwer
Angel of Storms (Millennium's Rule) - Trudi Canavan

Mir war so nach Fantasy. Nach einigen Seiten war mir ganz schnell nicht mehr nach Fantasy. Im groben und ganze war ja alles schön und gut, aber Nr.1) Bücher mit mehreren Erzählsträngen finde ich grundsätzlich anstrengend, aber wenn die dann erst nach 1,75 Büchern aufeinandertreffen dann beginnt man sich doch zu fragen. WARUM?! Ich lese ja häufig Bücher parallel, aber man muss diese Sportart nun wirklich nicht auf die Spitze treiben. Nr. 2) Das ganze Geleier von verschiedenen Welten und das Zustandebringen einer Revolutionsarmee hat 500 Seiten gedauert, nur dass es dann einen 50-seitigen schwer ernüchternden Showdown gab. So spannend waren die Revoluzzer leider nicht. Mit unnötiger Gewalt, Mord und Totschlag habe ich sowieso Probleme, und interessant erzählen lassen sich diese Art von Konflikten seltenst. 


Von der Autorin habe ich als Teenie mal eine Serie verschlungen. Jetzt ist die Frage, war die Serie einfach besser oder war ich damals noch leichter zu beeindrucken... mhmm. Und nichtsdestotrotz möchte ich wissen wie es weitergeht. Problem: Wenn ich mir damit zu viel Zeit lasse, dann vergesse ich leider wieder alle grundlegenden Details, wer, wieso und was. Habe ich Lust Teil Drei gleich anzuhängen? Nääääääää!

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2020-04-03 10:00
We Speak In Storms - Natalie Lund

I can confidently say that this is the best book I've read in the past couple of years. Natalie Lund did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life, along with the story itself. When I grabbed this book, I wasn't really that excited for it, seeing as it didn't sound nor look like any book I've ever read and enjoyed. However, from the very first page, I couldn't put it down. The way Lund worked with grief and bullying was phenomenal. The entire plot stayed steady, not rushing nor being drawn out. My only issue with the book was Callie. Although I now understand why she acted the way she did with her mother while she was dying, when I was reading the book it stressed me out. Having lost my own mother without warning or time to prepare, I hated the way she kept shying away from her mother, avoiding her as often as possible. Of course, I wasn't thinking about what it would be like to watch your mother slowly dying, but the only thing I could focus on while reading was her behavior. When I finished the book, after thinking about it, I did understand. Other than that, I loved the characters - the ones that were meant to be loved, of course. I've recommended this book to anyone who's asked for a book to read, and I'll continue doing so.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/3218224246?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1
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review 2019-12-10 22:43
Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maas
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text 2019-12-09 02:48
generally made by the same company

When it comes to tanning lotion, it seems to be a woman dominated area, much like the rest of the cosmetic industry. But looks can be deceptive; men are just as proud of their tan as women are, if not more so. A tanned male is seen as more attractive, a sign that he works outside or does plenty of outside recreation (either way, he's seen as stronger and fitter) and generally healthier. But getting a tan isn't always easy; there are plenty of days with no sunlight and of course that pesky winter to contend with! Some men may feel slightly foolish in trying to get tanning lotion when it seems that many of the tanners out there are geared for women. But there are ranges of tanners for men too and furthermore, good reasons to get them.


Men can derive the same benefits from these products as women do which includes: Moisturized and vitamin enriched skin A darker color that can help prolong a natural tan Stimulating the production of melanin in the skin which can help you Cosmetic Packaging Wholesale get a tan more easily Preventing the use of anything with UV rays that can cause skin damage and even problems such as skin cancer Tanning lotion manufacturers have known for a long time that there would be a demand for their product, not just for women, but for men too.


This means that are plenty of lines of tanning lotion that are marketed towards men, though they are generally made by the same company as the ones marketed towards women and (hsst) they tend to be the same thing! The important part of a good type of skin product (this one included) after all is the right ingredients, plenty of minerals and vitamins, and water. Choosing the right darkener is going to be a matter of your budget, what kind of tan you want and what kind of ingredients and brand you care to work with.


Men should not feel silly about wishing to take care to look their best Push Pull Disc Caps Factory and including the shade of their skin as part of their regime. Proper tanning can be a safe way to take care of your skin and be proud of your appearance to boot. Men can take away just as many benefits from these products as women do and they have every right to do so as well. So, if the winter storms are bearing down, don't worry about turning as white as the snow! Find a good tanning lotion product and take care of your skin.

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video 2019-11-28 16:22
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