This is sweet book about four friends and their love lives. The story continues from book one. We get a look into the lives of all four friends. But mostly this one is the story of Zara, Hatcher, and their new life. They've both gotten married, moved to suburbs and expecting a baby. All in all life is changing quite a for them. Zara is having difficulty dealing with all these changes and in addition to this it seems that her best friend is keeping secrets. She hate secrets so it's up to her to find out what is going on here... But will she likes what she finds or not is another question.
HAtcher is trying his best to make Zara happy. To help her find her feet and get settled in new life together. They are perfect for each other. On one hand their life is amazing but then there are all these fears which keep them second guessing. Hatcher is amazing to her and no matter what they are going to live happily ever after. Now only if all her friends can marry the loves of their lives then everything will be absolutely fantastic.
Again in the end we see the glimpse of what's coming next and I can't wait to read more about these amazing characters. I loved this book!