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review 2016-08-04 00:00
Sugary Sweets
Sugary Sweets - A.M. Willard Sugary Sweets - A.M. Willard 4.5 Stars
This is sweet book about four friends and their love lives. The story continues from book one. We get a look into the lives of all four friends. But mostly this one is the story of Zara, Hatcher, and their new life. They've both gotten married, moved to suburbs and expecting a baby. All in all life is changing quite a for them. Zara is having difficulty dealing with all these changes and in addition to this it seems that her best friend is keeping secrets. She hate secrets so it's up to her to find out what is going on here... But will she likes what she finds or not is another question.

HAtcher is trying his best to make Zara happy. To help her find her feet and get settled in new life together. They are perfect for each other. On one hand their life is amazing but then there are all these fears which keep them second guessing. Hatcher is amazing to her and no matter what they are going to live happily ever after. Now only if all her friends can marry the loves of their lives then everything will be absolutely fantastic.

Again in the end we see the glimpse of what's coming next and I can't wait to read more about these amazing characters. I loved this book!
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review 2016-01-05 23:40
More sugary sweet goodness
A Christmas Memory 2 (Memories) - Max Vos,All Indie Publishing,K. C. Wells,A. J. Corza

I can't believe how sweet this series by Max Vos is. After reading his dirty, raunchy anthology, this is a very different kind of crack. But he did it well. I might have liked this a little better than the first one, simply because it was more than an "insta-love at Christmas" story. In addition to homophobic coworkers and ex-girlfriends, there is Thad, the homeless young man from JJ's school, Adam's mum and her future, AND a new member of the family.


It had a little more depth, of course with a lot of sugar on top, but it really made me smile. Because mostly, it told a story about how family should always stick together and have each others back, especially when push comes to shove.

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review 2016-01-05 23:34
Geeeee, all the sugar...
A Christmas Memory - Max Vos


Melted sugar on top of syrupy sugar, garnished with sugar sprinkles.

Well, this was so unbelievably sweet, it still makes my teeth ache. J.J. is absolutely not interested in the holidays or the holiday spirit. Along comes Couch Sutton, who secretly had his eyes on him for years, and his whole Christmas is turned upside down.

It was way sweeter than what I'm used to from Max Vos, but as always he also delivered in the steam department. So it was cute, sexy and had the right holdiay spirit. But since I'm half Grinch, I'll give it 3 stars - because too much sugar makes me grumpy - and I have to say, some of the typos and little errors here and there put a damper on my enjoyment.

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review 2016-01-01 00:00
Sugary Sweets
Sugary Sweets - A.M. Willard Sugary Sweets - A.M. Willard Crystal's 5 Star Review
Having purchased and read Frosted Sweets, I was addicted to the series. I recommend reading the books in order because you are introduced to all of the characters and their stories in Frosted Sweets.

Zara never thought she would be in a relationship. She never acted like she wanted one, especially with Hatcher. She thought she would enjoy him while she could and then move on. That didn’t happen. Now married, pregnant, and living in the suburbs, her live is nowhere near what she expected it to be. Thankfully, her friends are there to provide moral support when she needs it.

I am thoroughly enjoying this series. The writing is funny, witty, and sharp. The characters are well rounded, and the type that stays with you long after you finish reading their story. I can’t wait for the next installment!

Trish's 5 Star Review
Oh Wow the stories that this crazy bunch of friends ha e is just amazing. Let's start of with Hatcher and Zara things seem to be going great for them until a accident occurs and sends everyone in a panic. But things will turn out great you just have to read to find out. Jayden and Morgan what more can we say about this couple will they finally get to where they need to be in their future with everything going on? Natasha and Diesel just where will the road lead them on their journey? Will Frankie finally see the light with what she had with Brody or will it be too late? This is a book about how most everyday friends and families run their lives straight and to the point and also crazy as hell!
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review 2015-12-01 00:00
Cabin Nights
Cabin Nights - Ashley John

3.5 Holiday Stars

I'm feeling a little bit likr the Grinch right now, because most of the Christmas stories I've read so far didn't do a lot for me.

This one wasn't exactly an exception. Ben has this confused & lost puppy feeling to him, that made him kind of adorable, but also a tiny little bit annoying. Cal on the other hand is an easy-going good guy who comes literally from the back of the woods. Add a cozy little cabin and a lot of snow, and vòila! Here comes Cabin Nights. It's a cute story, extra sweet, with enough steam and an unusual epilogue.

I liked it, I really did. It was easy, it was heart-warming in a way, and it had all the ingredients a Christmas Story needs. And yet... I don't know. I wasn't really touched, it didn't grab me or pulled me in all the way. I definitely didn't start humming Christmas carols while reading. It was a good book, just didn't rock my world.

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