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Search tags: surfer-girl-agatha
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text 2020-02-12 22:58
Reading progress update: I've read 17%.
The Hollow - Agatha Christie

This is one of Dame Agatha's stories that is not an easy one to like - most, if not all, of the characters are horrible: self-involved, dismissive, contemptuous, sponging, and utterly, utterly selfish. 

This comes at an expense. 


I have no idea if Dame Agatha meant to write this as an analysis of the effects of bullying - I will need to consult John Curran's Complete Secret Notebooks on this matter - but I love the psychological aspect of this story. It's gripping and - for an Agatha Christie book - deliciously dark.

"Gerda had not been happy at school. At school there had been even less reassurance than elsewhere. Home had been better. But even home had not been very good. For they had all, of course, been quicker and cleverer than she was. Their comments, quick, impatient, not quite unkind, had whistled about her ears like a hailstorm.

‘Oh, do be quick, Gerda.’ ‘Butter-fingers, give it to me!’ ‘Oh don’t let Gerda do it, she’ll be ages.’ ‘Gerda never takes in anything…’

Hadn’t they seen, all of them, that that was the way to make her slower and stupider still? She’d got worse and worse, more clumsy with her fingers, more slow-witted, more inclined to stare vacantly at what was said to her. Until, suddenly, she had reached the point where she had found a way out. Almost accidentally, really, she found her weapon of defence.

She had grown slower still, her puzzled stare had become even blanker."

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text 2019-11-16 18:58
Reading progress update: I've read 37%.
The Hound of Death - Agatha Christie

If anyone is already collecting ideas for next year's Halloween bingo / spooky season, The Hound of Death would make an excellent option to explore Dame Agatha's darker short stories. 

They are not really featuring murder and mystery so much as supernatural elements and dark atmospheric stories. Well, some contain a murder mystery...it's Agatha Christie after all.

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url 2019-11-15 13:13
One for fellow Agathytes

...some of the comments below the article are pretty good, too. 

Oh, and Daniel Craig in a Christie-esqe? Yes, please! :D


(The header of this post links to the Grauniad article.)

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text 2019-10-24 22:54
Reading progress update: I've read 62%.
Agatha Christie: Twelve Radio Mysteries: Twelve BBC Radio 4 Dramatisations - Full Cast,Tom Hollander,Julia McKenzie,Agatha Christie, Emilia Fox

Ok. Seriously. I must not listen to this before bedtime. The Dressmaker's Doll....holy crap...I'll be up for hours again.

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text 2019-10-24 14:54
Reading progress update: I've read 32%.
Agatha Christie: Twelve Radio Mysteries: Twelve BBC Radio 4 Dramatisations - Full Cast,Tom Hollander,Julia McKenzie,Agatha Christie, Emilia Fox
This is really good.
I listened to 3 more stories last night...way beyond my bedtime...and the only one that was a little underwhelming was Witness for the Prosecution. I'm sure knowing the play already had something to do with it but I didn't feel it had the same clarity or doom as the other ones.
I really want to look up Christie's original stories/plays that the 12 productions are based on, especially Swan Song and Philomel Cottage so far.
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