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Search tags: the-flame-in-the-mist-short-story
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review 2020-06-29 22:24
Yumi by Renée Ahdieh
Yumi - Renee Ahdieh
Again like the previous novella this picks up at the end of the first book, Flame in the Mist. This novella focused on Yumi, a character who isn't a main character in the first book but is part of the story.
Like Mariko she wants more from life and not to be beholden to man. It was great to see what makes her tick, her feelings that drive her. I really hope she gets to be in the second book with chapters from her POV, I would love to see a second woman break with the traditions that's expected of her and take action and follow what she believes.
Just like the novella before it isn't required reading, it doesn't add anything to the plot but adds to a character that is lesser known.
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review 2020-06-29 22:23
Ōkami by Renée Ahdieh
Ōkami - Renee Ahdieh

Whilst this doesn't add much in the way of story Renee Ahdieh writes like a dream and it was nice having a chapter from Okami now we truly know who he is. It isn't necessary to read this as it's so short and takes place straight after the first book. I was hoping we'd find out more on his backstory, but unfortunately not to be.


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