Not only have I not read any of the three preceding books in the Forever Love series, but I've not read anything by Jeannie Moon before. I'm always interested in finding new authors to read but my OCD makes me read all the books in a series sequentially. When I read the blurb for this book on NetGalley I was intrigued enough to say, "screw it!" if my request was approved. I'm glad I did!

Kim's backstory is heart-wrenching. I really felt her pain and understood her reluctance to jump into a relationship with Owen. Owen is an almost perfect hero except he's keeping some very important secrets from Kim. Secrets that are the main conflict in the story.
I really enjoyed this story and it wasn't an issue that I hadn't read the other books in the series. There were some moments that piqued my interest about the other couples, who I presume had their own books. Most importantly, I never felt like I missed something about Kim or Owen by not reading the other books first. The pacing of the story is perfect and I couldn't put this book down until I finished. I tend to read books with a much higher steam rating but I was so engrossed in the characters and their stories -- together and separately, that I didn't miss it.
This won't be the last book I read by Ms. Moon. I look forward to catching up with the other couples in this series soon.
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*