Another outstanding review from Goodreads member, Pao! What a wonderful review!
By Pao on Goodreads.com:
I feel bad for giving it 4 stars u.u...
But as my rating says, I really liked it!
I'll list what I loved because I'm not that fluent in my writing:
*I loved that this was not the typical erotic novel and it definitely was not what I envisioned in my mind.
*I loved that the characters were not crazy, psychotic, stalkerish or possessive. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT.
*Robert, Robert, Robert...Mr. Robert Montgomery is:
I'm not saying this because of how amazing in bed he is, or his money or how hot he is. We are talking about a gentleman here. A real man. He's not damaged, possessive or a stalker (I have no idea why people feel attracted to that). He treats women with respect, it feels like he really appreciates and cherish them and, as I mentioned before, is a real gentleman, in and outside the bedroom ;).
*Susan (Wednesday) is a character that has an actual growth and development throughout the whole story. I loved the way she builded her life and how she was focused in interesting matters and not just in chasing a man.
*Love is not labeled in this story. It flows naturally, feels real, it is what it is and that's a beautiful thing.
*The orgy and f/f time
It was my first time reading scenes like those and, in my opinion, they were really well written.
*The end! I loved the end of the story. Again, THANK YOU because it wasn't the typical boring HEA.
*More than being an erotic book for the senses, it's erotic for your subconscious. For the mind. It's a powerful story that will change you way of think and seeing things.
One of the reasons why it didn't reach the 5 stars (for me) I hope I don't sound like a pervy or dumb is because I wanted more steamy scenes.
Also,I must say that I consider myself an open minded person and I respect peoples believes whatever they are, but I had a hard time in understanding and accepting Wednesday's abilities.
Other than that, The Harem is a breath of fresh air, it's unique, original, powerful, changing, positive and inspiring. A wonderful debut of Thomas Sweeney.
Here's the link to read her review on Goodreads.com:
Many thanks to Pao for such a generous and honest review of #TheHarem!
#fiction #romance #erotica #indieauthor #bookreviews