I had no idea that this book contained two novellas when I requested it from NetGalley. All I saw was The Realm of the Dead and thought that this book seemed interesting enough to request.
Crossfades introduce the reader to Chuck Grainger, a Recon and Enforcement Technician that works The Institute. His job is to guide lost souls into the next life. What Chuck needs to do is project his spirit into Crossfades, the realm of the souls of the dead so that he can help them move on. The problem is that sometimes souls doesn't want to leave and they realize that they are dead and learn to control and manipulate the Crossfades. And, that is exactly what happens when Chuck is trying to help a little girl named Abigail to cross over suddenly her world is disappearing and a malevolent spirit is taking over. Now Chuck must fight the very dangerous spirit...
In the sequel Bleedovers must Chuck, who have survived the ordeal in Crossfades, stop a spirit that has managed to cross over to the real world. Some spirits know that they are dead, but doesn't want to move on instead they are trying to return home and sometimes every few century some manage to do that. And, now someone has crossed and is looking for revenge towards Chuck.
I did prefer Crossfades to Bleedovers, I found the story more intensive and more interesting. I did enjoy Bleedovers, it was just that I was pretty sure throughout the book that the spirit they thought they were trying to catch was not the one they thought it would be and I was right. It would have been too easy if it would have been and I suspected from the start that the spirit would be not the one Chuck thought it would be.
All and all, quite good. I liked the idea of a secret place where people worked to help bring souls over to the next would and I'm curious to how it all started.
Thanks to Hydra and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!