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review 2020-06-27 03:25
EGGS OVER EVIE by Alison Jackson
Eggs over Evie - Alison Jackson,Tuesday Mourning
Evie is having trouble dealing with changes.  Her parents are divorced.  Her dad has remarried and has a new baby on the way.  Her neighbor has lost her cat.  Her mom is dating.  And she is going to cooking class and crushing on her cooking partner.  Is she ready for any of this?
I enjoyed this book.  I liked the recipes and Evie's advice to make the recipes the best they can be.  Watching Evie deal with all the changes in her life gives her a universality to which I could relate .  None of us like changes, especially when the change is outside of our control.  Seeing Evie and Corey together was fun.  It reminded me of my crushes at that age.  An enjoyable book to curl up with on a summer night.
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text 2020-06-09 17:20
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Added to my TBR and Forgotten Why


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This Tuesday we are talking about our TBR and the books we’ve added that we forgot why we added them in the first place to that Mountain of a Reading Pile.

June 9: Books I’ve Added to my TBR and Forgotten Why (stolen from Louise @ Foxes & Fairy Tales)



That ever growing TBR…. Looking back at my Goodreads To Read List I’ve found several books I’ve add that I can’t remember why I put them on their to begin with.  I started going through my list last year and culling the heard, but I still have a long way to go.  As to why I put them on their maybe it was the cover, maybe it was the blurb, or maybe it was a blogger friend who reviewed and made it sound like something I might like.  Now looking back and reading the blurbs I’m at a loose as to why I picked these to go on my TBR.  All the books featured I added to my TBR back in 2012 and 2013.


Here are my Top 10 Picks off my TBR that I can’t remember why I put them on the list:



What books are on your TBR that you forgot why you added them?  

I’d love to hear from you!



I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!


Source: angelsguiltypleasures.com/2020/06/top-ten-tuesday-books-ive-added-to-my-tbr-and-forgotten-why
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review 2020-05-16 17:52
Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts by Kate Racculia
Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts - Kate Racculia

I'm going to start with some of my favorite passages from the book. Just so I can remember the potential. 


"All relationships are real," said Tuesday. "Friendship can be as deep as the ocean. It's all a kind of love, and love isn't any one kind of thing." 


"This was self-medicating drunk, this was it fucking hurts drunk, this was the only way I know how to survive being alive right now is legal poison in my body drunk." -- This line really hit me. I've been that kind of drunk more time than is probably healthy for a person. 


"Jesus, he is charming," Dex said to Tuesday. "Charming like a psychopath. Are we sure he's not going to murder us down here?" He paused. "That's a legitimately horrifying thought. Please don't do that to us, Mr. Arches. I haven't drunk half of what I intend to before I die." -----This is one of the many, many reasons Dex was my favorite character.



On with it.


I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this book. I slept on it. I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Everything started out so good. This book was fun and funny. It had characters I wanted to drive to Boston and find. It had a treasure hunt. It had brooding billionaires who are hiding secrets. It had a female main character who was wondrously odd and didn't really care what other people thought. 


Then it all kind of fell apart. The whole premise of this book was suppose to be some big Boston-wide treasure hunt headed by an eccentric deceased billionaire. Sure that happened. Was it the main focus of the book? Not so much. Tuesday and her "crew" find two clues. Then everything disappears for about 100 pages. The reader then needs to slog through flashbacks, pages of mental anguish, and inner monologues that reminded me of high school football coach pep talks. 


Maybe now you're thinking "Well that doesn't really sound like fun". It wasn't fun. But it wasn't not fun either. In other hands, this kind of drop in action might have made this book a DNF for me. Racculia managed to keep me reading. Not necessarily because I wanted to know what happened with the billionaire's game but because I genuinely wanted to know what happened to Tuesday. And Dex. And Archie. 


Eventually we come back to the billionaire's game. The fun returns for a minute. Then everything turns strangely dramatic. Bordering on horrific. Rather Lifetime movie like. This is what really brought the book down for me. Even with the slightly boring middle, this book still had the potential to be a five star read for me. Then the end happened. At the end we are given a character who is so basically evil all he needs is a mustache to twirl. I mean, he's just a bastard. He's your typical "I'm rich and I can get away with literally anything I want" kind of dude. Compared to Racculia's other cast of characters, this guy felt completely out of place. At one point, the end of the story felt like I had switched to a completely different story. Subtract two stars. 


Then there was the end, end. Without given too much away, it was predictable. Painfully predictable. The only way it might work for me is if the author has plans for a Tuesday Mooney series going forward. This is just the kind of thing that screams cozy series turns into hit television series. Only if Kristen Ritter is Tuesday Mooney. 


At the end of the day, would I recommend this book? Umm...I wouldn't not recommend it. It was a light, quick read that sandwiched itself in nicely with some of the more intense reads I have going right now. For a lot of people who are currently having problems reading because the world around them is just too much, this is a book that will help take your mind off things if only for a minute. 



Read 5/11/2020 - 5/16/2020

Book 33/75



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text 2020-04-07 16:21
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Bought Because They Were On Sale

Hosted by ThatArtsyReaderGirl.com


Well since the spread of COVID-19.  Many books have popped up ON SALE.  I love grabbing ebooks at a discount; especially if I’ve had my eye on them.  The covers don’t hurt too in drawing me in.  Some I’ve read on KU others I’ve not read yet, but just couldn’t help picking up the ebooks; because of the DEAL. 


Todays Topic – April 7: Books I Bought/Borrowed Because… (Fill in the blank. You can do 10 books you bought for the same reason, i.e., pretty cover, recommended by a friend, blurbed by a favorite authors, etc. OR you could do a different reason for each pick.)

Latest books I’ve bought at a discount during February – April 2020:


The Dragon of New Orleans I’ve featured this book and all the others in the series on the blog. Many have recommenced the series and I’m a big fan of dragons, so when book 1 popped up for sale for $.99c I grabbed it. 



Wild Hunt Series – Book 1 The Silver Stag is FREE and I saw that Book’s 2 & 3 where on sale for $0.99c, so I deiced to grab them. I’ve not read book 1, but if I do end up enjoying the book and want to read on I’ve already got two and three in my kindle. 



Sinister Magic – I read this in KU and was blown away. It was amazing that I knew I’d read it again, so I grabbed the book on sale for $.99c. I’ve also bought the rest of this series that is out, but those books aren’t on sale.



Elizabeth’s Wolf – I’ve read this one a few times from my library, but when it came up on sale for $1.99 I grabbed it. It’s one of my favorites in the Breed series by Lora Leigh.




I’d love to hear from you! 


I was born and raised in Northern Indiana. I’m an outdoor sun loving reader living near San Fransisco. I’m a mother, wife, dog owner, animal, and book lover. I’m the owner, reviewer, and mind behind Angel’s Guilty Pleasures. My favorite animals are horses & dogs. As for reading I love all things paranormal & urban fantasy. My favorite shifters are dragons!

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text 2020-02-22 01:51
Weekend Plans
C S Lewis - Colin Duriez
The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday - Saad Z. Hossain
The Shooting Party - Isabel Colegate
Good Behaviour - Molly Keane,Marian Keyes
All the Hidden Truths: one shocking crime: three women need answers: Winner of the McIlvanney Prize for Scottish Crime Debut of the Year! - Claire Askew

It's Friday night after a crappy week at work, which saw a departmental restructure that can only be described as A Game of Thrones...but without dragons, and therefore just stupid. So, I have resorted to watching films (The Two Popes is excellent) for comfort since I've come home, and I am planning to make the most of the weekend before work brings another week of madness (I have some new people starting and need to travel abroad for a meeting with another colleague, while trying to keep an eye on goings on ... preparing for another new start and the company's big office move in three weeks' time). 


Anyway..... It's also Granite Noir weekend. So, I am out with friends tomorrow to see Dial M for Murder at the theatre, then have a guided walk around town which is lead by one of my favourite local historians, and lastly, I have finally managed to get a ticket to Katheryn Harkup's Poisoned Tea Party on Sunday. I've been to her Poisoned Cocktail Evenings before but have never been quick enough to get tickets for the tea party.

I am very excited.


As for reading, I really, really want to start the Kelly book, but I just can't at the moment - it's a mood thing. 

The C.S. Lewis biography has turned out to be surprisingly good so far. Nothing entirely new, but I very much enjoy that Duriez has included quotes from correspondence that gives much more insight into Lewis' life so far, and has refrained from giving meaning or interpreting events in his life against Lewis' later work and faith. This is something I very much appreciate. He is also not coming across as a "fan-boy" of Lewis', which puts Duriez at an advantage (imo) over other biographers I have read. 


And I know that I won't have much time to read anything else this weekend, but I really want to pick up something else. Something from the category of "comfort read".

And of course, I will need a book for the flights on Monday/Tuesday.

And this month's book club read is due on Wednesday.... Erm.


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