UGC NET Admit Card 2020will be released by NTA for NET JRF Examination. Candidates who have applied for the UGC NET JRF exam will be able to download their UGC NET admit card 2020 from the official website.
We hope you are well prepared for the exam and are aware of the NET JRF selection process and the details of the UGC NET JRF syllabus.
You have to visit ntanet.nic.in
Check for the link ‘UGC NET Admit Card download’ and click on it.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the JEE Mains Admit Card in the third week of December for January exam. JEE Main 2020 admit card will be published in online mode. Students can download JEE Mains Admit Card by two ways one is using the application number with password and second is application number and date of birth. Only Students who complete the registration and fee payment within designated dates can download their JEE Main admit card 2020. Details in admit card such as exam schedule, the timing of the exam, exam centres name and address, photograph and signature of the candidate as well as important examination instructions will be mentioned in JEE Main 2020 admit card. After downloading the JEE Mains Admit Card, it is vital to check the information printed on it to avoid mistakes. In case of any mistake, they must contact NTA to correct the errors. NTA has mandated that students should carry a good quality colour printout of their JEE Mains Admit Card 2020 to be produced at the examination centre before appearing for JEE Main exam.
JEE Main 2020 exam will be held in January and April in computer-based mode. No students will be allowed to appear for the exam without the admit card. In addition to the JEE Main 2020 admit card, the students must also carry a passport size colour photograph and valid photo ID proof. The JEE Mains Admit Card will carry examination instructions to be followed by students diligently.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the JEE Main 2020 admit card in the third week of December for January exam. JEE Main 2020 admit card will be published in online mode. Students can download JEE Main admit card 2020 by two ways one is using the application number with password and second is application number and date of birth. Only Students who complete the registration and fee payment within designated dates can download their JEE Main admit card 2020. Details in admit card such as exam schedule, the timing of the exam, exam centres name and address, photograph and signature of the candidate as well as important examination instructions will be mentioned in JEE Main 2020 admit card. After downloading the JEE Main 2020 admit card, it is vital to check the information printed on it to avoid mistakes. In case of any mistake, they must contact NTA to correct the errors. NTA has mandated that students should carry a good quality colour printout of their JEE Main admit card 2020 to be produced at the examination centre before appearing for JEE Main exam.
JEE Main 2020 exam will be held in January and April in computer-based mode. No students will be allowed to appear for the exam without the admit card. In addition to the JEE Main 2020 admit card, the students must also carry a passport size colour photograph and valid photo ID proof. The JEE Main 2020 admit card will carry examination instructions to be followed by students diligently.
National Testing Agency (NTA) will release the JEE Main 2020 admit card in online mode on the month of December. To download the JEE Main admit card 2020, students will check two options on the screen as provided below. National Testing Agency will not send admit cards by post or any other. The step by step steps to download the JEE Main 2020 admit card is given below:
There is two way to download the JEE Main 2020 admit card:
1. Through application number and password OR
2. Through application number and date of birth
Download JEE Main admit card 2020 through application number and password
Download JEE Main 2020 admit card through application number and date of birth