I´m in an unhauling mood. I´m starting with my read shelf and I´m getting rid of the books I either didn´t like or I´m sure of that I will never reread them again. Books that are part of a series, that I have fond memories of because of a buddy read or that I´m sort of collecting, I´m not getting rid of.
My bookshelf - before:
You can´t see my non-fiction books on this shelf, but I will pass on a few of them as well:
My fiction books:
Of course I forgot the books I wanted to get rid of the most:
Don´t fret, I´m only getting rid of my paperback copy of Equal Rites. I have the wonderful hardback on my shelf.
My bookshelf - after:
This is an "Unhaul" video, in which I show you which books I'm getting rid of!
Time for some spring cleaning, I had to get rid of some books to make room for new ones! It's always hard deciding which books to let go of, and then also what to do with them. I really love my local book trader though, it makes me feel like I'm getting something in return for my books! :)