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text 2020-03-26 14:31
Hoarding: The Figures

... for Germany, according to the federal statistics monitoring agency (Statistisches Bundesamt):


Sales of disinfectants: up by up to 800% -- then down to zero sales, because stores went out of stock.

Sales of soap: up by 400%.

Sales of toilet paper: up by 300% (this is surprisingly low).

Sales of pasta, flour, sugar, rice, and processed tomatoes: up by 200%.




Einzelhandel Corona Supermarkt | Bildquelle: dpa

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text 2019-02-10 18:40
Letting Books Go!
As part of uncluttering my mind, I want to unclutter my space, Marie Kondo style. Her method is called the KonMari Method. It is where you look at something and ask if it sparks joy. Joy = you keep it. No feeling/no joy = you thank it and pass it along.
Bookish people (mostly on Twitter) are coming at Marie Kondo because of a misquote and a joke someone made with her picture saying "Ideally, keep fewer than 30 books." She actually said, “I now keep my collection of books to about thirty volumes at any one time.” That is what she likes for herself!
I did the KonMarie method today with the help of my husband and took a hard look at my growing book collection. I come to a decision to cull over half my collection, if not more. Not because Marie Kondo told me to, but because I know that I am never going to read half these books. I've had them for years without touching them, some I didn't like, some I DNF'd, and some I doubt I will ever reread. My husband did the same with his books.
We went through 10ish boxes and ended up culling 7 boxes worth!
We made a new rule that the only physical books we are going to buy used are the things we are actively collecting and no more buying random books, with the exception of being 80s & 90s (and earlier) books, though I will be pickier. (Rare books, hard to find and libraries will not have them.)
I got rid of a bunch of books that I can easily get at the library if I decide I want to read them later on. We are already picky about the new books we buy because we can't buy full price books often. We still have a lot more books to go through! haha
I'm not getting rid of every unread book or everything I've read and may not read again. I'm keeping things that have true sentimental value and nostalgic stuff because I LOVE going back to my younger self and rereading nostalgic books. That sparks joy!
Some series I am actively collecting are: (For the curious)
The Babysitter's Club
Fear Street
Other R L Stine books
Sweet Valley High
The Alice books (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)
Buffy, Angel, Charmed books
Nancy Drew
The Hardy Boys
Boxcar Children
Several cheesy teen horror authors (Christopher Pike, Joan Lowery Nixon...etc)
Cheesy teen horror novels in general from the 80s/90s era
The type of books you would find in Paperbacks From Hell and Paperback Crush (so 70s,80s,90s horror and children/teenage stuff.)
There are more but those are the things I think are most recognized. It seems like a lot, but it is a very slow growing collection and I end up getting the books from $1 to $3 at the Half Price Book Store.
No matter how old I get, I still read and enjoy the above books. The nostalgic factor might be one of the reasons, but so what! Some would consider some of these books badly written nowadays, but it is like I can turn off a switch and overlook cheesy storylines, plot holes and "bad writing" Most of the books above would probably be considered "guilty pleasure" books for adults to read, but I don't use that word.
They are comfort reads.
(spoiler show)
Do you unhaul books easily or is it like pulling teeth? That is how it is for me, even if I didn't like the book that much. I know it is boarding on hoarding tendencies because it shouldn't be so hard to donate a book you hated, or a book you know you'll never read.
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text 2015-08-02 07:24
You want to feel good about hoarding books?

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review 2015-06-14 18:28
Full of Interesting Insights on the Minds of Hoarders
Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things - Randy O. Frost,Gail Steketee

Both my father and my mother in-law hoard in a big way. In the case of my father, it's to the point where he won't give me my inheritance from my great-great grandmother even though the deal was to give it to me when I bought my first home. My mother in-law's case is a bit more pronounced. She has several rooms that are completely unusable, but she is also realizing what a wonderful home she could have and is working hard to clean the public portions of her home before cleaning the more private areas.


If I said that I was understanding of both people in my life, I would be lying. I was not able to understand how objects could have such a strong meaning that they wouldn't be able to give up items. For example, I can remember when my mom got rid of a bunch of porn magazines under the bathroom sink because my sisters and I were getting older and my mom didn't want us to find these magazines. My dad was angry to the point of making myol mom think he threw away two of her collections which occupied the living room. I never understood how he could equate old magazines hidden under the bathroom sink with collections on display in our home. Now I think I understand.


Whether you know someone who hoards or are interested in the psychology of hoarding, this is a good place to start. 

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text 2015-02-03 01:04
I'm a Hoarder....of ebooks!

Still there hasn't been much reading but for the last 2.5 days I have been feverishly deleting unwanted kindle ebooks. I'm ashamed and have lived in silence of my kindle library. I have not only spent ridiculous amounts on ebooks but have hoarded/collected ridiculous amounts of free and cheap books as well. I won't tell the number but as of right now over 2,000 have been deleted. 


Note... I have a vast amount of regular price books that add up to $... Well, I don't dare say.


You may be wondering how this could have happened. Well, it all started in 2011/2012 when free and really cheap books were a plenty. There were tons of paranormal and children books for free and I just had to get them all for my nieces and nephews, right? Now looking back on my crazy, I think it was the hunt that I loved. The hunt for free and cheap books. 


I've known for quite some time that those books needed to go. I also knew that deleting one book at a time just wouldn't do for my overwhelming library. Thank goodness some time last year Amazon listened to their kindlers and fixed the ebook deleting function. I was super happy. 2015  is the year to clean up and clear out. I may be behind already in my 2015 challenge but I'm clearing my mind of unnecessary worries and anxieties. 


There it is friends my kindle library hoarding story of shame.

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