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Discussion: Bug Reports
posts: 15 views: 52876 last post: 5 years ago
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Just to confirm that I contacted BookLikes through email and I received a lot of help from staff, who checked and resolved the issue for me.
Rating seems to be working now, so once again, thank you for your help and time guys! Keep it up :)
Something went wrong with my reading challenge.
Is it's just on my browser or anyone encountered it?


Reply to post #239 (show post):

Sorry for trouble and thanks for letting us know. It looks OK now.
thank you! only thing is, when I look at the main page I see I read 51 books but when I look at the reading challenge page I see I read 50 books, why is that?
Reply to post #241 (show post):

Oh, sorry. We'll check that and fix. We'll keep you posted. Sorry for trouble.
thank you!
Referring to post #239 - I have the same problem with my reading challenge page. :( The book jpgs seem to be piled one on top of the other in the left-hand corner with the stars on top.
Reply to post #244 (show post):

Do you still encounter the problem? It should be OK now. Please refresh the page and let us know.
Reply to post #245 (show post):

It looks great now! Thank you. :) That was QUICK!
Reply to post #243 (show post):

@Ultramarine: Hi. It should be fine. The number of books on your reading challenge should be correct now.
I've noticed that on my shelf table page the shelf sorting periodically switches to sorting by title descending which is not what I set it to(date added descending). I've already changed it back once and it's switched back again. I only noticed the problem after droonfang mentioned it was happening to her, so I'm not the only one.

I've found that it does switch back to the right setting if I toggle between shelf and table view, but it's still a bug that needs to be worked out as the sorting order should not be changing by itself.
Reply to post #248 (show post):

@Kythe42's Astral Library: Sorry for this. We'll fix this ASAP. Sorry for trouble.
Reply to post #248 (show post):

@Kythe42's Astral Library: The sorting issue on your Shelf should be OK now. One more time sorry for trouble.
Yes it seems to be working ok for me now as well. I'll let you know if any more problems come up. Thanks for the quick fix.
Reply to post #254 (show post):

Oh so sorry for this, we'll definitely redo the notifications page and fix this.
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