Hey all BookLikes book lovers, thanks for letting us know and altering us about all these issues. Here are some of our solutions, some were already fixed, others will be soon :-)
- For problems with rating stars, please clear your cache memory in your browser’s settings and check if your browser isn't using extensions or plugins that could interfere. If the problem still occurs, let us know via email.
- We’ll add “Publish” button in comments to make it work better.
- For publishing post form Drafts, make sure your timezone and post date is set correctly.
- To edit your reviews, click Blog on the top and hover over the post and click Edit in upper right corner OR edit from Table view shelf (edit review link).
- Changing thematic shelf into Exclusive status is now possible from Shelf view and Table view.
- “Reblogged from + link” will be visible above the reblogged text in all theme designs in public blog view.
- Dashboard should show all blog entries from blogs you’re following. If you do not see them, contact us via email with more details.
- Books and shelf edit in Table view are fixed now - you shouldn't get back to the top (if you edited book) or to page one when you edit shelves.
- @Amaranth Eden - Please use links with tags which look like this (click on tag in public view post, not on Dashboard), then your additional pages will be visible for non-members: http://booklikes.com/tag/amaranthsgallery AND http://booklikes.com/tag/amaranthsreviews
- We’re preparing site for mobile devices; very sorry for some issues that you can come across on mobiles.
- @AnnaLund2011 - Resetting the template should help:
Go to Customization tab . Something got mixed after editing HTML.
- No books from reblogs will be automatically added to your Shelf - works in progress.