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Discussion: April's Reading Challenge ~ Spring in Your Step
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Clockwork Pirate was a happy surprise. I read it because one of my friends on GR had really liked it and I wanted something different but when I looked at the choices for the April challenge I discovered that it met the criteria for #4 A book that includes outdoor things. It's a Steampunk adventure that takes place on the high seas so a fair bit of it takes place outside and often on the ships deck plus there's a bit of a sunset or maybe it's a sunrise on the cover.
Reply to post #17 (show post):

Yay for getting your prompt done!

I'm surprised at how many books I've found that fit the prompts. It's not as hard as I had thought it would be.
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I was thrilled when I discovered this one met at least one of the challenges because I was beginning to think I wouldn't meet any this month as I keep squirreling on what I want to read only to suddenly realize that the book I'm reading doesn't meet any of them. I'm shooting for meeting at least one more, but we'll see what the rest of the month brings and how squirrely I end up being, lol.
Another April prompt met by happy accident. Prompt #1 is for a 'book that takes place partly in Spring' and as I was writing my review for Jaime Reese's book 'A Better Man' I realized that this book takes place over the course of a 12 month period starting in June so the latter part of the book takes place in 'the springtime' go me.
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My finds for the prompts have pretty much been happy accidents, too!
It turns out that the book I'm currently reading, News from Tartary, is both outdorsy and takes place in spring. I'm not sure where it will end but the first half describes their journey from February until May. I'm counting this a meeting the prompts.
Reply to post #22 (show post):

Definitely meets the prompts!
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How is your April reading coming along?
Reply to post #24 (show post):

Surprisingly, I've managed to read a book for each prompt. And it was mostly accidental!
Reply to post #25 (show post):

I'm impressed. Especially since you weren't sure about what to read at the beginning. :)
The Winter People, which is an extremely twisted version of this prompt, I must admit. I had a lot of trouble this month for some reason, but I'm pretty sure this counts. ;)
Reply to post #27 (show post):

If you think it fits the prompt, that's good enough!
Trying to catch up a little:

So, for April my books are...

Tennis My Way - as it is outdoors.

My Year of Meats - as the two main characters both begin new lives.

There was also a third, News From Tartary by Peter Fleming which details his and Kini Maillart's travels through China and Tibet in the 1930s and which starts of in spring (and is VERY outdoorsy). I haven't managed to write a review for this one, yet, tho, because I want to finish Maillart's account of the trip first.
Reply to post #29 (show post):

Your books sound really interesting.

The travel book from the 30s sounds really interesting.
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News From Tartary was really interesting. The only other book that I had read which dealt with travel in that time and was written by an English Ox-bridge graduate was Robert Byron's Europe in the Looking Glass - and I absolutely hated it because Byron was such a xenophobic snob. Fleming could have gone down the same route but instead he tried really hard to move beyond the prejudices with which he was undoubtedly indoctrinated during his adolescence - and some of which he could not quite shake of for all his trying - and write a pretty circumspect account of the journey. It was a very good read.
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