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Discussion: Bring back Thursday BL Updates.
posts: 15 views: 1229 last post: 9 years ago
created by: Kitty Horror
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Hi BL, as I hope you are aware there are a growing number of concerns regarding the site.
I think one of the main concerns I have at the moment is the lack of communication from BL. The daily occurrence of bugs, unchanged reblogging feature and proposed upgrades that were discussed months ago are still creating problems for BL members and your deafening silence is extremely worrying.
I'd like to see the weekly communication blog post brought back, even if you don't have anything exciting to add you can still use it to address any issues that have cropped up and give assurance that you are looking into 'fixing' them.
I second everything Kitty Horror said. Please bring back the Thursday updates. I don't care what they say, so long as we know you're still around and working on something behind the scenes.
I don't think you'll find anyone who wouldn't LOVE having the Thursday (or just weekly) BookLikes goodies day brought back - it doesn't have to be about upgrades or website bling; just a way to keep in touch with everyone and offer updates on what is on the horizon. I wouldn't even mind every 2 weeks, as long as it was regularly.

In the absence of communication, most people will think the worst.
Yes. Even if it's not once a week like clockwork, just tell us when stuff is going down.

Reply to post #6 (show post):

I second that. Just a note to check what's going on here
(edit: autocorrect messed up my sentence)
Reply to post #7 (show post):

And I hate to bring it up, but English seems to be... problematic for some of the employees? It's been put out there that maybe that's why we don't get immediate notification of things.

In that case, I repeat my earlier thoughts on this: if you're marketing to an English speaking market, get one person who speaks and writes fluently in English to take care of said notifications. Look, I get that you're a Polish company. I even get that you may want to diversify, and not just hire a bunch of Americans/people who speak English as their first language. I get that you started out in Poland and - this is my take on it - probably have a bunch of employees that you hired in Poland.

But we would like /some/ communication, particularly on the wiped out blog. Which if it isn't on BLs side, I don't know what the hell happened there. Having at least one person who was just in charge of that communication, who wrote in fluent English, would really, really help.
Reply to post #9 (show post):

Oddly enough, I can talk people down when they're rude to me in CS. You wouldn't think it, but I am absolutely amazing at that.

I also am quite honest, and am able to balance the customer needs, with how much I need to tell them, or how much I can't, without lying to them.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if they want to hire non-Americans/people who speak two languages fluently/whatever, that's fine. Perfectly fine. But they are putting out messages in English. They need at least one person who speaks English fluently - even if it's not their first language - and who can write well in English.

And before I get told I'm being... whatever. If they want to write in Polish? Fine. They're free to do that. The problem I have is that they started in English, and continued in English, and then kinda stopped talking to their customers. The other problem I have is that they set up an expectation that we would hear from them weekly and then went to not even telling us when they're doing work behind the scenes.

I feel bad bringing this up, but the truth is that there are a couple communication problems, from the lack of communication to the funky syntax. I'd feel worse not bringing it up, especially if the lack of English writing fluency is what's keeping them from talking to us more often. If that's the case, then they're only driving people away and making them distrust the site. And if that's the case, then they only way for them to fix it is by getting someone who writes in English. If no one tells them, 'hey, this is a problem, we think this is why, hey, here's a fix,' or more simply, 'we have a problem with this,' then it doesn't get fixed. I'd feel worse if this drove anyone away because no one was being open and honest with them.

And yes, I'd be okay with them going all Polish if it meant more communication. I'd be fine using Babelfish or whatever.

Reply to post #10 (show post):

I think a lot of us are frustrated.

If BL is listening, they'll take this into account. I really, really don't want to move to LM. I've been spoiled by the easy socialization and blog format here. I love my background, which I've had for years and worked hard to make.

I don't want to leave. I may.
Reply to post #13 (show post):

Oh, I agree. There are problems. And I don't mind bugs as much as I mind not getting any information, just like you said.
Reply to post #15 (show post):

I wouldn't have phrased it that way, but I agree with the genera sentiment.
Reply to post #17 (show post):

I absolutely agree with you.

I just wouldn't have phrased it that way personally, but I read what you said, and was nodding in agreement. If BL reads what you've said, they'd be wise to listen to you.
Reply to post #19 (show post):

I'm desperately trying to make it work for me...
Reply to post #21 (show post):

I don't remember in which post I saw it but melissa's blog is not lost:
perhaps if she contract BL support they would sort it out
What bothers me is if they did delete it as "spam" based on some complaint without even looking at the content of the blog. It has shades of what GR did several years back, if that's the case. One complaint and poof you're gone? This needs to be addressed.
Agreed. There are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to Melissa's blog in particular.
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