I wonder where these serials have sprung from. They weren't in evidence (within m/m) when I started reading a lot of m/m some 2-3 years ago, and suddenly--whammy!--you get serials left and right and all over. Also, if I may say so, within m/f erotica.
I agree, these prices are quite enormous, when added together.
I'm also very careful about what I purchase. It's come to the point where I don't rely at all on "book blogs", "reader reviews" or star ratings. I trust my friend's recommendations, and by friend I mean actual friend--not someone who is everyone's friend. There is a disturbing amount of networking going on within the genre lately, and I don't trust any reader for an opinion if all they do is promo and pander.
Reply to post #25
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The first one of the series that I noticed was the Dark Soul one by Aleksandr Voinov with it's 5 novellas. So I am blaming Riptide. But I blame them for a lot of things, so that makes my life easy.
I think series are okay as long as they are full novels and don't drag out for so long that the plot dries up and it's very obviously just about milking readers.
Reply to post #32
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Why do I feel that smile looks like this?
Reply to post #34
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There's but one serial I buy, that's an m/f erotica one, at £2 the instalment, 30-35 pages each. Normal shorts (15-17 pages) in that genre cost the same price and while the plot arc is the full spread of these story, they each have a mini-theme. What can I say? I'm hooked. With a story having more of a plot I'd not do that.
Reply to post #31
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LOL! Technically, I should probably have called it 'books I should have quit buying after this one, but to be sure I bought just a couple more before I really quit'. Only G.R.R.M. I quit buying for real after book #4, but he gave me seven years to stay pissed off about book 4 so it's his own fault.
Reply to post #33
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Yes. I am ok with series of full length novels (as long as they don't start sucking), novellas that should really be one book: no.
I think the one thing that hasn't been said yet, it acknowledging that there are many authors out there 'doing it differently' or 'writing what they love for the sake of writing' rather than money but we don't see those books available because publishers don't accept them.
There are very few MM publishers who are willing to break the mold and go with something new. They are becoming more and more like the mainstream publishers who only take the latest incarnation of what they know will sell. Every now and then, something new breaks through on a 'take a chance' card, readers go nuts for the new blood and kaboom the next three or four years are flooded with every possible combination of the 'latest' formula.
Series like SF, TA...I'll take your word for ICos because I still haven't read it yet...are ones you couldn't name a single publisher who would have taken a chance with it anyway. In hindsight, sure, but not as a fresh submission. Until the birth of the self-pub, publishers drove the market because readers could only buy and read what was available. The issue for self-pubbers is finding the miniscule market for their particular stuff that doesn't fly by the usual publishers.
On top of that, I see more and more the attitude of 'fleece the market before the bublle bursts' or 'earn what you can now because this isn't going to last much longer'. This is the real shame. Readers get ripped off and authors stunt their potential, either with their own attitude or their publishers persuasion. This alienates the real readers and leaves only the squeeing masses who would buy a shopping list if their fav author had two hot guys discussing it before shagging over the kitchen table.
I'll be the odd person out and say that I actually don't care if a novel gets serialised or overpriced, as long as the writing is good, which sounds extravagant until you realise how small that pool is. I'm so over paying generic writers money for their generic stories and their boring relationship dynamics and their dull, replayed sex, no matter how safe the cost-benefit ratio looks. I'd rather pay silly money for good serialised writing and have something to look forward to. I know Joanna Chambers drove everyone insane with the low return on Provoked (yes $4.50 for 50k is ludicrous) but it still made me happier than a bunch of other stuff that got me more material for my money but put me into a coma. Idk if desperation should be the guiding principle for any monetary decision but I just want to single-handedly create a cultural hegemony that rewards good writers and ruthlessly crushes all the mediocre ones and I'm willing to pony up if that's what it takes. Revolution by increments!
I agree with moss!!! I don't mind paying money IF it's good. But...most of it isn't good. I've bought some of the Riptide novellas and I wasn't impressed....There's something "off" about the voice in all of them that I've read except for Glitterland where the narrator had a strong voice. Some of the others had a weird...dead feeling to them?? I refused to pay more for that.
I see in this genre a lot of authors making snarky comments about self published authors...about how it's an "easy way out" or they haven't made an effort to struggle by submitting...but then why is it that several of the most ORIGINAL works i've read this year have been original self pubs or free fiction? And were STILL cheaper. I didn't love SHattered Glass but it was unique and interesting and $2.99. After Midnight was $3.99. TA is still available free....Captive Prince was free and then a self pub before getting picked up by Penguin...with so much talent flying free of the small publishing prices, it makes me a meanner bitch about willing to shell it out though >:(.
Also....the self published authors seem to be...um...less obnoxious.
Reply to post #42
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"Some of the others had a weird...dead feeling to them??"
It's good to see that it's not just me who thinks that. I've the impression they have an or several rather overbearing editors more interested in creating a publisher brand than helping the authors to their own voice.
Reply to post #41
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I wouldn't say $4.50 for 50k is so over the top. 50k are 180-200 pages and that is a solid genre novel sizewise.
I was talking about $2.99 for 50-60 pages which means 13-15k, or worse among erotic serials, the same for as few as 20-25 pages. I can accept such a price for a short story, which is differently crafted and takes quite some to get just right. But chopping up an 100-150k novel into 10k bits? At that point I tend to remember that I also like reading m/f and have a look-see.
Reply to post #44
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Nah, I'd pay that. If it was good (I'm talking KJ Charles good. I love that she's set the bar for so many of us this year), I'd pay that. I accept it's exorbitant, but if it makes me feel less dead inside about the genre, eh totally worth it.