Reply to post #51
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Just wanting to clarify:
If a book/task has several options listed: i.e.
Book themes for Dies Natalis Solis Invicti: Celebrate the sun and read a book that has a beach or seaside setting. –OR– a book set during summertime. –OR– set in the Southern Hemisphere.
Could I read a book for one or more of those options, and each count as a point? Like, say, if I wanted to try to get the max 4 points, but none of the book themes from the other holiday on this same square appeals to me, could I read a book for two of the possible book theme options above, then complete the two tasks? Or read three books for each of the options above, then only do one of the tasks?
I assume that once I cross off one of the options in the book theme for a holiday, it's done and cannot be repeated. But the other options in that same holiday could still be open to complete?
And vice versa for the tasks that have multiple options?
Thanks in advance!