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Discussion: Welcome!
posts: 9 views: 723 last post: 11 years ago
created by: Liz Loves Books
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Hi, I am from South Africa. I am relatively new to Romance type novels but I am loving it - I have found so many great authors. My book budget is usually depleted by the first week of the month, but that doesn't stop me from buying the next book that grabs my attention. My husband says he is sending me to rehab, or cutting up my credit card ..... ha :)
Hi all, I'm Chel. I'm a big romance book-junkie. One of all my all time faves is the Original Sinners from Tiffany Reisz. I look forward to seeing what's everyone reading & hopefully I can add more books to my faves list based on your recommendations. =)
Welcome, Rosemary, Mandy and Chel!
Reply to post #25 (show post):

Welcome, Miss Reader! I hope you find some good recs for contemporaries here.
Hello everyone! I am a avid reader in general but am a sucker for a good love story. I'm also an Advertising & Marketing Rep for InD'tale Magazine. It's a magazine dedicated to love stories and romance by indie authors. Please feel free to find out more about us if you would like to know. I am happy to be in the group and looking forward to all the chatting here on booklikes! Thanks for starting the group Liz Loves Books!
Thank you and welcome Chanteuse! Are you a singer as well as a romance reader? :)
Hi All I'm Cindy I love both contemporary & historical looking forward too chatting with everybody
Reply to post #29 (show post):

Welcome, Cindy! What a beautiful user pic!
Reply to post #30 (show post):

Thank You Liz love my fairies
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