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Discussion: G is for Geography (the story takes place in at least two different countries)
posts: 13 views: 848 last post: 11 years ago
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Reply to post #15 (show post):

Alright, alright, it's finally going to get read this year then ... :)
Stranger in the Forest: On Foot across Borneo--without a visa, through the jungle.
Reply to post #7 (show post):

One month later and i decide to go back and look through the group haha. I liked this book, and I am super glad I have been picking up her books whenever they are on sale based solely on the fact that people seem to like her. I am glad I am one of them.

I think this is the highest rated book I have read this year so far still. I like kicking off years with a bang :)
Kinked by Thea Harrison

Not the greatest of books. Still, the cover is pretty.
Did I already post this in a different category?

(click to see my review, hopefully)
Great book, I highly recommend = )
I was going to use Ball & Chain but it was too humorous so I used it else where however, Eden Winters second book in her 'Corruption' series fills the bill nicely here as one of the MC's travels from the US to Canada then Mexico in pursuit of the bad guys.

The Normans: From Raiders to Kings, by Lars Brownworth. Hops from Normandy to Sicily, via short stop in England in 1066. Good book.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Just tidying up my challenge and see that I forgot to add this one -
That Much Is True was such a lovely story!

I say 2 different planets count as 2 different countries.
Interesting take on vampires, but not the best written book I've read.
Too much telling.

One Flew Over the Vampire's Nest

by M. D .Lorraine S. Roth
Reply to post #27 (show post):

I think two different planets definitely counts as two different countries!

Colin Thubron: The Lost Heart of Asia

Travel report of a several months' long trip to the former Soviet Central Asian Republics -- Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kirghizstan.
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