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Discussion: L is for Lamp (the book takes place before electricity was discovered)
posts: 8 views: 727 last post: 11 years ago
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Both were fun reads.
Kindness of a Rogue

When the Marquess Met HIs Match by Laura Lee Guhrke

I don't remember much about this one, except that I liked it. So that's saying something. Good in the moment but ultimately forgettable.
Reply to post #19 (show post):

I recently read this book and really liked it. I haven't liked Guhrke's more recent books, so I was glad this one was better.
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I agree with you. The last series was just kind of meh which is why I waiting so long on this one. I am just glad I didnt hate it haha

Nothing Like the Sun by Anthony Burgess.

A reread, on the occasion of Shakespeare's 450th birthday and coinciding with my trip to London and Stratford-upon-Avon in June: A novelized biography of Shakespeare up to age 35 (1599), and an exploration of his (presumed) love life.
Pride & Prejudice

'Provoked' by Joanna Chambers

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