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Discussion: Report your bingo (second drawing)
posts: 15 views: 1247 last post: 8 years ago
created by: Abandoned by user
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The (renumbered) carryovers from the last drawing:

Jennifer's BOOoooOOOOKs (1)
BrokenTune (2)
Murder By Death (3 & 4)
Chris' Fish Place (5)
Rane Aria (6)
Lillelara (7)
Themis Athena (8 & 14)
Grave Cupidity (9)
Witch's Brews and Books (10)
Libriomancer's Apprentice (11)
Kell's Reading Room (12)
Linda Hilton (13)

Prior winners are now ineligible for drawing:

Lora's Rants & Reviews

Keep posting your bingoes, because you get an additional entry with every additional bingo up to 5 until you win!

Current through post #6
I didn't realise our bingos carried over from week to week - cool!
First Bingo!
Top row across:

Read by Candlelight/Flashlight: The Spider Glass, by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Magical Realism: Conjure Wife, by Fritz Leiber
Witches: The Devil in Massachusetts, by Marion L. Starkey
Genre Horror: The Nameless City, by H. P. Lovecraft
Black Cat: The Bare Witch Project, by Celeste Hall
Second bingo here.
Excellent! Well done Linda and Themis-Athena! :)
Reply to post #5 (show post):

Thank you!
Great job, Linda & Themis-Athena!

And, yes, your bingoes count until you win!
Awesome. Well done Linda & Themis-Athena!!
Yay, my first bingo.

I've tried about a dozen times but can't seem to post my link. Can someone explain how you do it on the discussion threads??

Congrats Kitty, Linda & Themis! : )

Kitty, if you click on the last link box to the right, under your post, you can add a link.
First Bingo
Reply to post #10 (show post):

Thanks for that, my brain must have been in funk when I tried before. ;)
Woot! Congrats Kitty Horror. :)
First of all: Congratulations to all the new bingos out there :).

Due to some excessive sunday reading, I managed to get my second bingo today (witches to classic horror).
Reply to post #15 (show post):

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